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11 hours ago, Red Shift said:

“The top 100 billionaires can resolve global extreme poverty four times over.”


Assuming the statement to be true, should they? Discuss.

Imagine you had first aid training and a fully stocked first aid kit in your hand and you saw someone bleeding to death in front of you... and you choose to do nothing.


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11 hours ago, Red Shift said:

“The top 100 billionaires can resolve global extreme poverty four times over.”


Assuming the statement to be true, should they? Discuss.

Unless, of course, you're asking should they resolve it four times over; in which case I'd say once would do.

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Once AI kicks off properly, you'll start seeing billionaires and think tanks talk about the dangers of overpopulation. They'll all have a road to Damascus moment about humanity's impact on the environment.


Musk was bullshitting recently that the future is AI doing every job and us all sat around making art. What he really means is a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands at most, lucky people and everyone else being gradually phased out.

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23 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Once AI kicks off properly, you'll start seeing billionaires and think tanks talk about the dangers of overpopulation. They'll all have a road to Damascus moment about humanity's impact on the environment.


Musk was bullshitting recently that the future is AI doing every job and us all sat around making art. What he really means is a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands at most, lucky people and everyone else being gradually phased out.

Don’t know if you like podcasts but listened to this recently.


Peter Thiel, Musk and so on worship the book The Sovereign Individual. Rees Mogg’s Dad ouevre.

An emergent cognitive elite. They know shit is hitting the fan and they’re building bunkers in NZ, Thiel is a massive LOTR fan hence Palantir. 






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13 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:

Don’t know if you like podcasts but listened to this recently.


Peter Thiel, Musk and so on worship the book The Sovereign Individual. Rees Mogg’s Dad ouevre.

An emergent cognitive elite. They know shit is hitting the fan and they’re building bunkers in NZ, Thiel is a massive LOTR fan hence Palantir. 






We’ve all got bunkers in Aotearoa, although mine’s just a shade sail. 

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15 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Once AI kicks off properly, you'll start seeing billionaires and think tanks talk about the dangers of overpopulation. They'll all have a road to Damascus moment about humanity's impact on the environment.


Musk was bullshitting recently that the future is AI doing every job and us all sat around making art. What he really means is a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands at most, lucky people and everyone else being gradually phased out.

I guess it all comes down to what’s for sale. A billionaire with a global customer base in say, food, would be quite happy for governments to stump up a UBI and continue to cash in, seeing as being paid to consume is already a thing.


The financial services industry may appear to be healthy but it’s not based on anything tangible and would collapse, being debt based

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20 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:

Hope you’ve got a stash of Speights and pies. 


Went on a world cruise in early 2019 and had not seen a pie for 6 weeks when we landed in Bay of Islands and found a fantastic pie shop there. Had three different pies and a portion of chips and just sat there rubbing my stomach like Winnie the Pooh.

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I’ll link the article below that features the above YouTube report on how Roblox is exploiting child labor and being massively rewarded for it. Videos about 16 minutes long.

Didn’t know much about Roblox but there’s been a raft of mergers and layoffs across the gaming industry. 


Article is a lengthy read but if you even know a little about how big games like Fortnite and CoD work using in game currency and items it’s quite a revelation. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/01/2024 at 18:59, Kepler-186 said:

I’ll link the article below that features the above YouTube report on how Roblox is exploiting child labor and being massively rewarded for it. Videos about 16 minutes long.

Didn’t know much about Roblox but there’s been a raft of mergers and layoffs across the gaming industry. 


Article is a lengthy read but if you even know a little about how big games like Fortnite and CoD work using in game currency and items it’s quite a revelation. 



I know a bit about this as the son of someone I know has been playing Roblox since he was a kid and now designs games on the platform. His game came out last year and was one of the top 5 games on the platform for a while.


It's certainly true that Roblox takes the lion's share of any money that the games make. On the other hand, this is a young man, from a working class family, who is going to be a millionaire this year. I don't know of any non-criminal way that a kid like that, with no formal training and entirely self-taught, could make that kind of money that quickly.


I was talking with someone else who knows more about Roblox than me, and they described the Roblox business model as targeting "rich autistic kids who will zonk out doing repetitive Ritalin tasks and dump their parents' wallet into getting the latest in-game hat".


It all sounds pretty exploitative to me, but I do think anyone designing games with the intent of getting rich is likely pissing in the wind; the impression I got was that the game designing was part of the overall user experience, and if your game ended up making money, that was a bonus. But either way, Roblox wins.

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