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January Transfer Window 2016


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Defensive midfield (still only got Lucas), a better all-round goalkeeper and more depth at the back have to be the priority for us before next season. A striker as well if we cut our losses with Sturridge. 


I think we've got enough luxury players who can play attacking midfield and still have Markovic to come back. A bargain deal like Stoke with Bojan then fair enough but I wouldn't be paying decent money for him when there's other priorities. 

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I thought he was one of those Brazilian forwards who starts ageing in dog years due to injuries, but looking at his appearance stats it seems like he'd immediately be our fittest forward, at least going by the last three seasons. Not a bad scoring rate either.


It smells like an agent fishing for a move back to Europe, but I'll admit I'm pretty ignorant of how well he's done in Brazil.

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No way are we in for Pato. His club president came out a while ago and said it was a terrible mistake even signing him and he's been average as fuck in the Brazilian league.

Didn't he accuse Milan of lying about his injuries to mask how shit he was or something ?


I think his loan finishes at the turn of the year which is probably why he's being linked to numerous clubs.


He's been decent at Sao Paulo by all accounts. He was linked to Spurs a while back and Tim Vickery was on the wireless saying both his attitude and performances have improved, I'd still take a massive swerve though.

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The Corinthians president apparently said it's done, though I haven't seen anything yet in the Brazilian press.


He's a really skilled forward. Him, Coutinho and Firmino would be something. It's true he's played more in Brazil and was injured less but the referees call everything in Brazilian football so it's a lot less physical and definitely less frenetic than the PL.


If true, could be an inspired signing, really. Or not. Corinthians will win the league in a walk. He's on loan to Sao Paulo, which is weird enough but Corinthians are the richest team in Brazil and if they balk at his salary no else will take him. For less money than Joe Allen? Even half fit he'd be worth it.

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