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Europa League - Liverpool v Rubin Kazan


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Only our players could make a Klopp team look nothing like a Klopp team.


Where is the pace, the running, the pressing in packs - we really are a timid team with no leadership on the park and it would seem they aren't really fired up....i just can't see where the response is to the managers way and his demeanour - we look just as timid as always.


Klopp needs to tear into them and get them doing the things he surely expects.


We've been completely clueless in Europe for over 3 years under Rodgers. We can't just change that in 45 minutes. 


Dare I say it but Rossiter would have been ideal today. He'd have put a real shift in and fired things up, in the absence of Henderson, but England fucked that up.


Milner's a poor man's Kuyt and Origi is not a Liverpool striker. We're missing too many key players and need the January window to do the business we didn't do in the summer.


Klopp will sort us out in time.

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We'll be ok. It's just I doubt Klopp wants to see Coutinho or Lallana trying to take on 3 players in the box. They need to look up and pass more as under Klopp we actually have 5-6 players in the area.


Can is exactly the kind of loose cannon player the side needs.

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We've been completely clueless in Europe for over 3 years under Rodgers. We can't just change that in 45 minutes.


Dare I say it but Rossiter would have been ideal today. He'd have put a real shift in and fired things up, in the absence of Henderson, but England fucked that up.

Our lack of quality is down to the mediocre and unbalanced squad Rodgers has built - mediocre footballers play mediocre football and of course it is gonna take a while to sort that. But for me the thing is their attitude - they are just so timid and it shows how meek they are that they don't appear fired up and full of spirit.


It is a reflection on their characters and the lack of leaders and I hope Klopp is tearing them apart over it and continues to do so until they stop being like it and jibs those who just havent got the bollocks for it.

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Our lack of quality is down to the mediocre and unbalanced squad Rodgers has built - mediocre footballers play mediocre football and of course it is gonna take a while to sort that. But for me the thing is their attitude - they are just so timid and it shows how meek they are that they don't appear fired up and full of spirit.


It is a reflection on their characters and the lack of leaders and I hope Klopp is tearing them apart over it and continues to do so until they stop being like it and jibs those who just havent got the bollocks for it.


Well that Fraud stripped the squad of all its leaders and never bought any (despite all the bluster over Lovren). Over the next few transfer windows this needs sorting as well as reshaping a terribly unbalanced squad.

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