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"He had to go, but Rodgers gave us the best football seen in a generation" by Alex Woo

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I think Chelsea were controlling it to be honest. Parking the bus and letting us punch ourselves out. Mourinho knew exactly how we would play and Rodgers didn't disappoint.  He backed his defense against our attack and he was right. 


It was nervy but attacking the Kop end in the second half at 0-0 and I think we'd have gone on to win, but it was never going to finish 0-0 because we didn't have it in us. We were either going to win or lose. Gerrard shouldn't have been the last man in that situation.


The worst thing was the total bottle job in the second half. Blind panic and not a decent chance created. We also bottled the second half against Norwich and Man City in the previous games and got away with it and then against Palace. Once we were in the driving seat we just bottled it. We were okay when we were chasing City down.

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What ever you say moofy, it was Gerrard's slip that costed us the title, (as the stupid media and rival fans reproduce) and the 50(!!!) goals we conceded that season which reflect the manager's incompetence in developing a convincing and decent defensive set up.

What's that? Someone putting words in my mouth?! Surely not.


Not the title you fuckin balloon. Just that game.

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Two things:


First, look how far up the pitch Sakho and Skrtel were. When Gerrard goes down neither of them has an angle to stop Demba. Why were they so far up to begin with?


Second, and far more importantly, we had an entire half to get one fucking goal. I don't give a shit who we were playing, we had no clue to how to break them down. None. Zero. Gerrard must have taken 15 shots from distance that I could have stopped. We never looked like scoring and the title was on the line. Rodgers had halftime to set the team up, to come up with something and he didn't get it done.


What could have happened did happen. A winning team gets one goal, playing at home in the biggest game of the year, in front of the Kop. We looked like amateurs.

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Chelsea were the only team that came close to scoring (twice) prior to the slip. Usually superfan delusion from the mallcop

Precisely. For all our possession we had hardly tested Cech and over committing cost us when Gerrard was isolated, A rabbit fucking a slipper is a term I recall someone posted at the time to describe our frantic efforts to score against what was a fantastic defense that season. An apt description . They conceded just 27 goals that year. A more conservative approach would have paid dividends and had we drawn them put we had the players to hurt them . Rodgers naivety was further underlined in the next game when he chased the goal difference. We may still not have finished top but the added pressure on City having to win all their remaining games may have told on them . As it was the draw at Palace made it easy  

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Rodgers is a bad dickhead. Quelle surprise.



Listen to this from 33 minutes. If true then he's a bigger cock than I had thought he was.




ROGER BENNETT: "I met Brendan, and I interviewed him at length near the height of his power in 2013-14. And when we did the interview, I always try and connect with my interview subject before we start the interview proper. And I'd watched him train at Melwood all day with the guys...Melwood's the old Liverpool training ground...and I said to him just as a soft ball lob, I just said to him 'watched your training this morning, it must me amazing for you to train Liverpool Football Club on the same hallowed ground where Paisley, the legendary Bob Paisley, the legendary Bill Shankly trained those guys.' And he tapped the microphone and he goes 'Is this microphone on?' And I said 'no it's not yet.' And he goes 'I don't give a crap about those guys. I only care about me.' and that.. I thought about that so much afterwards, that, that he was smart enough to not be caught on tape saying that, so he knew it wasn't a smart thing to say...."

MICHAEL DAVIES: "But he wasn't smart enough to say 'off the record' so you could never say it on the podcast."

ROGER BENNETT: "He couldn't, but he couldn't help himself Davo, he couldn't help himself, and that ultimately is probably the measure...there's something very Bobby Valentine-ish [overconfident, verbal gaff and mistake prone former manager of the Red Sox, among others] about that gentleman, he cannot help himself. Anyway, 'if you know enough to ask if the microphone is on, don't say it' is a great rule of life."


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Ah, the 'what if' scenario.


But the real question is why people like you should expect the team to approach that game any different to the previous 10? No one before or at the game was saying its chelsea lets play for a draw. Everyone including me said let's fucking get at them and blow them away.


But then if we'd have played for a draw and stevie still slips, or they scored the winner in the last minute breakaway, cunts like you would say why didnt we play like we did in the previous 10 games?


in other words cunts want it both ways and want hindsight as their lovechild.

Funny that Id been saying all that season along with others gerrard should never be playing DM certainly not against the best teams he was never a DM but roger wouldn't know one if one was growing out his arse, there were warning signs that the manager didn't address it was blindfold the whole way with the defence and he refusal to buy one in three or four transfer windows bit us on the arse and got him sacked.

A lot of people still credit Rodgers for putting gerrard there but all I saw was an ageing player who should have been given the freedom ala lampard but was shackled chasing around tryna do some quarterback job that only worked when he had the ball and ended up costing us the title as Jose knows he's no DM and targeted him.

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