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Klopp Kopped.


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I agree that things will take time, but I also think we can have a good go at top four this season. 2 games is all Klopp has had. One against a very good Spurs side and another European game who shut the door for the second half to nab a point.


Spurs can beat anyone at WHL and we got a creditable draw. We dominated last night but were toothless up front as they were content to pack bodies in there to keep us out.


Starting with two draws is not the end of the world, and in some ways it might help by calming down the fuss around Klopp a little. He a very good manager and I think there will be more improvement to come this season, and a top four finish is not out of the question.

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I agree with the Rev there. The expectation surrounding what we can achieve under Klopp is completely over the top. The financial strength of our main rivals has not changed over night and we will still find it difficult to attract top talent. Klopp certainly helps, but the support base needs a dose of realism.

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Seems a lot were taking the piss about my comments on here but it looks like I was right about the spurs game proving nothing.


I wasn't being arrogant, I didn't see the game and only heard positives but from what I saw we were lucky and things could have been very different of spurs had scored.When Neville backed up what I said it confirmed to me that I was talking some sense about it.


To the guy who asked me do I go games, no not regularly but I don't think that has anything to do with whether I know about football.Rafa regularly prepared to play against teams by watching them on TV, if anyone does have tickets available in the future let me know especially for London games as I would like to see LFC live more regularly.


And whats your excuse for not watching the spurs game? You don't have a tv? You don't have the internet? You didn't have a fiver to take down the pub?

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Seems a lot were taking the piss about my comments on here but it looks like I was right about the spurs game proving nothing.I wasn't being arrogant, I didn't see the game and only heard positives but from what I saw we were lucky and things could have been very different of spurs had scored.When Neville backed up what I said it confirmed to me that I was talking some sense about it.To the guy who asked me do I go games, no not regularly but I don't think that has anything to do with whether I know about football.Rafa regularly prepared to play against teams by watching them on TV, if anyone does have tickets available in the future let me know especially for London games as I would like to see LFC live more regularly.

So you are comparing yourself to Rafa then ? It will take time to bring confidence back and replace some of the rubbish Rodgers bought. Klopp will install his system and way of thinking. He will organise a defence and not let anyone waltz through games. Anyone thinking we would turn around overnight knows nothing about either the state we are in or the game in general.

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Seems a lot were taking the piss about my comments on here but it looks like I was right about the spurs game proving nothing.


I wasn't being arrogant, I didn't see the game and only heard positives but from what I saw we were lucky and things could have been very different of spurs had scored.When Neville backed up what I said it confirmed to me that I was talking some sense about it.


To the guy who asked me do I go games, no not regularly but I don't think that has anything to do with whether I know about football.Rafa regularly prepared to play against teams by watching them on TV, if anyone does have tickets available in the future let me know especially for London games as I would like to see LFC live more regularly.

Yer ma.
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I think it's going to take Klopp a couple of years to turn around the shambles he's been left with by Rodgers and the committee. It's not that bad a squad in terms of quality, but it's so unbalanced. Rodgers had us stocked full of number 10s and luxury players at the expense of other things.


The midfield has been neglected since Alonso and Mascherano left and amplified when Gerrard's legs went. Replacing Gerrard with Milner (to play CM) was the final insult. We have a squad lacking brains, nouse, character and leadership.  


It's going to take 2 or 3 windows just to have a balanced squad. FSG will have to be patient with Klopp after the mess their stupid decisions and their appointments (conned by dossiers) have created. The fans will as well.

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I think it's going to take Klopp a couple of years to turn around the shambles he's been left with by Rodgers and the committee. It's not that bad a squad in terms of quality, but it's so unbalanced. Rodgers had us stocked full of number 10s and luxury players at the expense of other things.


The midfield has been neglected since Alonso and Mascherano left and amplified when Gerrard's legs went. Replacing Gerrard with Milner (to play CM) was the final insult. We have a squad lacking brains, nouse, character and leadership.


It's going to take 2 or 3 windows just to have a balanced squad. FSG will have to be patient with Klopp after the mess their stupid decisions and their appointments (conned by dossiers) have created. The fans will as well.

Spot on mate.
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Hodged then Rodgered - we are lucky we can still walk.


Hodgson was here 5 minutes. The shambles he left was easily undone. We just bombed Konckesy and Poulsen overnight and played proper football again the rest of that season. It was just a wasted season because of that appointment. Klopp would find it a lot easier coming in half way through 10/11 than now.


It's not just Rodgers. The transfer policy has been horrific and it's left us with a mess of a squad and Rodgers loaning out players who'd be useful now hasn't helped. 


How can you end up with two full backs in the squad, one decent centre half (who the fucking idiot bombed out for Lovren the leader), one defensive midfielder who's half crocked, one winger who's a raw teenager, a midfield with no pace in it, but loads of expensive number 10s ? Good look sorting that shit out.


FSG gave Rodgers enough rope to hang himself with in the summer, consciously or not knowing he'd make a  mess of things. But that's set us back a lot further than if he'd been fucked off in the summer, even though it's allowed us to get the right manager in it's put us a year or two further behind. For example, if De Boer came in last summer and was given that money to spend we'd be in a better place now and ergo maybe next season as well. If given enough time then there's a higher ceiling under Klopp eventually than under any other manager we could have got in the summer. It just makes Klopp's job that much more difficult that Rodgers was allowed to create more  mess.

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