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Lovren: I'll show everyone that they are wrong!

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Dejan Lovren says he is raring to go this pre-season so he can win over his doubters and “show everyone that they are wrong”.


The Croatian defender endured a tough first season at Anfield after his big money move from Southampton, but feels that a good pre-season this summer will see him return to the form that persuaded the Reds to pay £20m for his services.


Speaking to LFCTV GO ahead of Liverpool’s opening pre-season friendly against a Thailand XI this afternoon, Lovren said: “I didn’t do pre-season last year when I came here so it’s important for me to do the whole pre-season and be fit enough for the first game.


“It definitely affected me last year” he added. “When you are with the team for one month and when you train with them, it’s not the same as arriving and then in seven days you are playing the game. It was a difficult time for me”


Lovren is competing with Martin Skrtel and Mamadou Sakho for a place at the heart of the defence this season and says he is confident that with a good pre-season under his belt he will be able to bounce back from last season’s disappointment and prove his army of critics wrong. 


“I know when I do a good pre-season then I know I will have a good season, so I can’t wait to start..." he said, before adding with a smile "and to show everyone that they are wrong!”





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Even on his good performances he seems to have at least one mistake in him.


The newcastle match at anfield was a good example pretty solid didn't have much to do then out of nowhere "bang" boots a newcastle player in the box.

stonewall pen which wasn't given.


He's rash as fuck and I'm never confident when he plays.

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He will improve as he will be less anxious and will prove to be more useful, but probably not enough to change people's minds  He's not that bad, but he is also not as good as he himself thinks he is and this will always push him to rash decisions and hold him back in his career. Benched in a year, gone in two.

I do hope he makes me eat my words.

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I think he'll do better than last season; that's the height of my optimism.


He is what he is, a  player who looks better with some protection, but jittery as fuck when it's not there. You can see his brain implode when he has to make a decision, so he just runs somewhere - he's the CB equivalent of David James.


The annoying thing is, he's actually pretty mobile, but that mobility is part of his downfall, as every instinct he has is wrong. It's better to have a slower CB who can read the game than one who can cover ground but hasn't the brains to use the ability well.


I miss Hyypia. Watching him always reminded me of the quote in Goodfellas, about Paulie: "Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody."

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I think he'll do better than last season; that's the height of my optimism.


He is what he is, a  player who looks better with some protection, but jittery as fuck when it's not there. You can see his brain implode when he has to make a decision, so he just runs somewhere - he's the CB equivalent of David James.


The annoying thing is, he's actually pretty mobile, but that mobility is part of his downfall, as every instinct he has is wrong.It's better to have a slower CB who can read the game than one who can cover ground but hasn't the brains to use the ability well.


I miss Hyypia. Watching him always reminded me of the quote in Goodfellas, about Paulie: "Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody."

I knew a few people who could help:



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