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FAO stevebaby


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It was truly an honour and a pleasure.


The story you told Cev and I how it came to be that you became a Red said everything about the relationship we all have and share.


You enrichened my life in many ways as I am sure you have with others. Intellectual wit is sorely missed.


Keep biting those tiles Comrade.

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It was truly an honour and a pleasure.


The story you told Cev and I how it came to be that you became a Red said everything about the relationship we all have and share.


You enrichened my life in many ways as I am sure you have with others. Intellectual wit is sorely missed.


Keep biting those tiles Comrade.

Next time I'm in Sydney I'm getting you several beers my son

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  • 10 months later...

Two years. Can't fucking believe how fast time flies mate.


A lot of water has passed under the bridge dude. I have kept some of my promises to you and I hope I will be able to finish the job off this year.


Keep biting those tiles comrade. I'm sure you have found a few good 'uns to have a bevvie with up there la.


Stevebaby. One of the fucking good guys

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Guest Pistonbroke

Spot on. Visible displays of suffering are sickening.


To be fair mate, everybody deals with such things in their own way. I hope when the time comes I'll be of the same thinking as now, and how Stevie and my own mother dealt with things. A smile on my face for others, a laugh and a joke for Death, and so on. Then again, I'd rather that others didn't have to watch a long suffering drawn out hand, give me a full house in my sleep and let me cash my chips in. 

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To be fair mate, everybody deals with such things in their own way. I hope when the time comes I'll be of the same thinking as now, and how Stevie and my own mother dealt with things. A smile on my face for others, a laugh and a joke for Death, and so on. Then again, I'd rather that others didn't have to watch a long suffering drawn out hand, give me a full house in my sleep and let me cash my chips in. 


I wish I was that nice, but I'd rather go out like John Entwistle. 

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