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FAO stevebaby


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Agreed. Top work Mal. Sorry to take it off track for a minute but I've 'spoke' to Cev (Arthur F) and was thinking about 8, 9, or 10 July for a get together for us TLW'ers Down Under to raise a glass to the legend that's Steve - that's if anyone fancies it? Those dates are the Friday, Saturday and Sunday. and the idea is to go with what suits the majority.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What an amazing creation the internet is. I'm a fan of the Liverpool Football Club and a member of of one of the many fan sites dwvoted to the club. Their site has its equivalent to the bilge and it's s very funny place to hang out.

I only (until recently) knew the other members from the site. last week they tracked me down secretly and a couple of the other fans paid me a visit in hospital. They brought me a t shirt, a couple of scarfs and a stack of Liverpool bsnners. Then they wheeled me down the road (in my boxer shorts I might add) to Messina's ice cream shop for what has been voted Australia's best gelato. Gelato consumed, we picked up a six pack of James Squire Golden Ale on the way back to enjoy in the hospice garden. I love the English sense of humour and it's probably why I have more English friends than Aussie ones.

They had me in stitches all afternoon to the point where my face hurt, literally. They were just lovely people and terrific blokes. Very kindly, they offered to help in any way they could and left me with a warm glow of happiness that remains today.

And they were complete strangers! I tell ya, they restored an old cynic's faith in the essential goodness of the human species. I'm still shaking my head in wonder.

So in their honour, and because it sums up part of how I feel I thought I would share the official club song.




There are other versions if you want to do a search. I've never been privileged to hear 80,000 football fans sing this at a match, but one of the lads told me he's been listening to the song live for 30 years and it never fails to bring a tear.

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