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FAO stevebaby


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, Jesus is coming to Wembley.  No guarantees that he's going to get in and get flown, but I'll give it a go.  (If I can persuade the people in my row to hold the banner, it will be to the left of the goal - as the cameras look at it - five rows back from the front.)


If you see a shambolic old shortarse with a red bag bearing the legend "Most touched boy 1974" it's probably me, so come and say hello.

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OK, Jesus is coming to Wembley.  No guarantees that he's going to get in and get flown, but I'll give it a go.  (If I can persuade the people in my row to hold the banner, it will be to the left of the goal - as the cameras look at it - five rows back from the front.)


If you see a shambolic old shortarse with a red bag bearing the legend "Most touched boy 1974" it's probably me, so come and say hello.

Good on yer, Mal. It would be brilliant to see him fly.



Good seats, btw

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I quite fancy the idea of a TLW Down Under get together at the Rocks in Sydney for a few scoops and a catch up in memory of Steve. It's difficult as Australia is such a big place and involves flights for anyone not in NSW, but it would be a good thing to do. Anyone fancy it? Preferred month?

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I quite fancy the idea of a TLW Down Under get together at the Rocks in Sydney for a few scoops and a catch up in memory of Steve. It's difficult as Australia is such a big place and involves flights for anyone not in NSW, but it would be a good thing to do. Anyone fancy it? Preferred month?

Aye - could be good Al - may get Skaro to drag his arse into the city.

Just had a quick scan to see if there are any early saturday games coming up - only one is against Swansea - end of april, and I'm away to Hawaii 2 days before. Be good if they schedule the Derby for 26/03... not sure what the score is normally for easter weekend footy. 

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