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FAO stevebaby


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Still a hard read, but also genuinely inspiring. I’d love to think I could be as cheerful and full of positivity right  to the end like Stevie.

He pops into my head every now and then and it brings a smile to my face without fail. The pictures of the get together and the banner are a real joyous moment. It’s weird to kind of miss a fella you never physically met, but I do on occasion.  

A thread that could bring a tear to a glass eye. 

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  • 8 months later...

God forgive me.


I had been making mental notes for the last week to remember the great man and got too fucking caught up in my own world to pay my respects.


My lads won a tournament on the weekend Steve. I've taken your advice and tried to make things happen.


I'm bringing them to Europe in September / October. 


They are playing PSV, Utrecht, Bruges, Genk and then coming to England to play some pretty big games too. 


I'm working for Liverpool FC academy here now too, almost as if you have given the universe a nudge for me.


I'll be home in October to spread your ashes that I've held onto and would love to meet some of the forumites I've interacted with for years.


Rest easy comrade, keep biting those tiles and shine on you crazy diamond.


YNWA ever 



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11 hours ago, Reds4Life said:

God forgive me.


I had been making mental notes for the last week to remember the great man and got too fucking caught up in my own world to pay my respects.


My lads won a tournament on the weekend Steve. I've taken your advice and tried to make things happen.


I'm bringing them to Europe in September / October. 


They are playing PSV, Utrecht, Bruges, Genk and then coming to England to play some pretty big games too. 


I'm working for Liverpool FC academy here now too, almost as if you have given the universe a nudge for me.


I'll be home in October to spread your ashes that I've held onto and would love to meet some of the forumites I've interacted with for years.


Rest easy comrade, keep biting those tiles and shine on you crazy diamond.


YNWA ever 



I'll be there with you Kev - just give us the dates

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I read this thread when this was actually occurring.

I was a lurker back then and I remember being struck by the man's courage, acceptance and the way he lived his last days on his own terms.


The way this forum pulled together in support of him was very humbling, it still is. 

The honesty, decency, respect and irreverent humour I'm sure helped Steve in more ways than you think possible. 


I lost my Dad to bowel cancer 10 years ago, 23/03/2012 to be precise, so things were still very raw for me at the time, and I shed many a tear reading this thread then, but in a strange way it was also comforting and had a hand in me coming to terms with my loss.


I knew after reading this thread I had handled things the best way, which was by letting my Dad talk about things when he needed to and by injecting humour whenever possible.

I had him laughing until the day before he died, something I'll always be thankful for.


I never had the privilege of knowing or speaking to Steve Gandy, something I wish I had.

He seemed to be one hell of a good bloke.


RIP fella.



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  • 3 months later...
25 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Well done all, absolutely superb. Can't wait to share an away with that flag/man. 


Dan, what the fuck have you got on your feet you cunt. I'm surprised @rubble-rouser would be seen anywhere near them. I'd have just said no and walked away. x 

It was hot. I changed into my Vans later on 

didn't want my feet to be sweaty all day

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4 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Well done all, absolutely superb. Can't wait to share an away with that flag/man. 


Dan, what the fuck have you got on your feet you cunt. I'm surprised @rubble-rouser would be seen anywhere near them. I'd have just said no and walked away. x 

His feet, can you not see those shorts? I said if they were useless if he chose them to help us find him if he got lost, a bright top or hat maybe, not 1993 neon shorts. Great company, but questionable colour choices. I'm not sure his missus would have let him out the house had she known he had those packed, or thinking about it, she totally did and knew that any woman wouldn't give him a second look in them? 

Absolute honour putting Green Jesus up and yep, a fair bit emotional. Managed to ensure that everyone that sat near us (as I was thoroughly organised, picnic mat and camping chairs obviously) was fully aware of how he came to being, so play nice with any new forumites making enquiries. Also, don't take camping chairs with you as people really think you're organised and have your shit together thus and tend to gravitate towards you the more pissed they get.  



Do we have washing instructions for Green Jesus, please tell me i'm not doing it by hand?
Also whose next for him, or is anyone heading over to North Wales? I've got some velcro rip ties/ribbon that can go in the bag it'll make easier for you to pop him up. Honest it really was lovely being able to do this. 


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1 hour ago, melons said:

His feet, can you not see those shorts? I said if they were useless if he chose them to help us find him if he got lost, a bright top or hat maybe, not 1993 neon shorts. Great company, but questionable colour choices. I'm not sure his missus would have let him out the house had she known he had those packed, or thinking about it, she totally did and knew that any woman wouldn't give him a second look in them? 


Hahahahahahaa yes @melons x

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2 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I think it says all about Steve that his thread is on page one of the GF so many years after he left us.

RIP mate.

I've been reading back and how he managed to challenge and touch us all is truly remarkable. 

also how this community showed adversity the middle finger it's so great to see. 

such a great bunch of weirdos 

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