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Great New York Movies


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Great shout on Do the Right Thing - "We don't leave til the brothers' on the God damn wall!"


I would say just about any film by Woody Allen.  He really captures New York and its people, for me.  I went to New York in 1991 and saw him in Central Park recceing a shoot.  Everyone either ignored him or didn't recognise him.  I was in absolute awe.


And as another suggestion, Marathon Man.

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I've posted this before in the urban exploration thread. Not sure you could class it as a film as it's only 27 minutes long, but it showcases New York as you've never seen it. I think one of our American posters is friends with the director/cameraman if I recall correctly.



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Bullets over Broadway.


Probably my favourite Woody Allen film (after Sweet and Lowdown). I couldn't get on with Manhattan: Knowing what we now know about Woody's 'thang' for barely legal girls, it all looks like wish fulfillment for him. Lovely looking film though.

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Bullets over Broadway.


Probably my favourite Woody Allen film (after Sweet and Lowdown). I couldn't get on with Manhattan: Knowing what we now know about Woody's 'thang' for barely legal girls, it all looks like wish fulfillment for him. Lovely looking film though.


Still Manhattan for me . Screenplay and the score are just superb.

He does like em young I'll grant you

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