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Mario Balotelli


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I know, you'd think he was a lazy lunatic whose been shipped out of every big club he's ever played for.



A club that finished 8th in Serie A last year can't wait to get rid of him.

Big fucking woop.


Ye realise there's a chance we could end up with fucking Bony or Eto'o? And yet ye're against Ballotelli?


He's only a lunatic off the pitch. On the pitch, he seems lazy granted. But the fucker scores goals. We need someone that scores goals.

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He fucks up our season if he is the only replacement and acts like the cunt.

How do you figure that?


Suarez acted the cunt last summer, and Rodgers put him training on his own. You don't think he'd do it with Balotelli?

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How do you figure that?


Suarez acted the cunt last summer, and Rodgers put him training on his own. You don't think he'd do it with Balotelli?


Theres no comparison between Suarez and Balotelli. Suarez gave his all whenever he was on the pitch unlike Balotelli.

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Theres no comparison between Suarez and Balotelli. Suarez gave his all whenever he was on the pitch unlike Balotelli.

I was replying to your prediction that he'd fuck up our season if he acted the cunt. What other team's season did he fuck up by doing that?


As for Suarez on the pitch; you could count on one hand the players that give it all like Luis.

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So the argument is that Rodgers can handle Suarez for being unprofessional (trying to move to Arsenal during his contract debacle), but can't handle Balotelli when he steps out line?


I know Balotelli is harder nut to handle, but I think Rodgers has proved that he can be the perfect nutcracker. 


I fail to see how he will not be able to handle Balotelli. 

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He fucks up our season if he is the only replacement and acts like the cunt.

Why is the future tense increasingly being replaced by the present tense on this forum - when referring to events that have not yet occurred? It's as if there is an intention to convey a certainty about the point being made. I've not really noticed it elsewhere but perhaps it's a modern trend.


A genuine question and not meant as a dig.

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So the argument is that Rodgers can handle Suarez for being unprofessional (trying to move to Arsenal during his contract debacle), but can't handle Balotelli when he steps out line?


I know Balotelli is harder nut to handle, but I think Rodgers has proved that he can be the perfect nutcracker. 


I fail to see how he will not be able to handle Balotelli. 


Saurez always gave 100%. Balotelli doesn't. It's a massive difference. He may well be able to pull Balotelli into line but he has no history in dealing with a personality like him.

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Why is the future tense increasingly being replaced by the present tense on this forum - when referring to events that have not yet occurred? It's as if there is an intention to convey a certainty about the point being made. I've not really noticed it elsewhere but perhaps it's a modern trend.


A genuine question and not meant as a dig.

Worst post of the season, for me.

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Saurez always gave 100%. Balotelli doesn't. It's a massive difference. He may well be able to pull Balotelli into line but he has no history in dealing with a personality like him.

How many players in our current team could you honestly say always give 100%?

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I was replying to your prediction that he'd fuck up our season if he acted the cunt. What other team's season did he fuck up by doing that?


As for Suarez on the pitch; you could count on one hand the players that give it all like Luis.



Acting the cunt as lazy cunt on the pitch, sulking way if something doesnt go his way. Getting sent off in important matches


He has played for three main teams. All three couldn't wait to get rid of him.


The difference is we dont have strikers to replace him  like City did when he does act like a tit.

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Saurez always gave 100%. Balotelli doesn't. It's a massive difference. He may well be able to pull Balotelli into line but he has no history in dealing with a personality like him.


So Suarez gave 100% in that second year and Rodgers gets no credit for it?


Like I said, Balotelly may be harder to manage but I have full faith in Rodgers to get him to play well based on what happened with the Suarez saga.

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How do you figure that?


Suarez acted the cunt last summer, and Rodgers put him training on his own. You don't think he'd do it with Balotelli?


As I pointed out earlier, when it came to both training and playing, Suarez was a consumate professional whether he wanted away or not. Suarez steps on the pitch and he wants to win. Balotelli isn't, so in that respect Suarez was much easier to deal with.

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So Suarez gave 100% in that second year and Rodgers gets no credit for it?


Like I said, Balotelly may be harder to manage but I have full faith in Rodgers to get him to play well based on what happened with the Suarez saga.

Suarez gave 100% all throughout his time at the club.

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