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Mario Balotelli


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We need a mad bastard about the place who will score goals...and wind Mancs up into a frothing frenzy.


He won't bite anyone, but he might just let fireworks off now and then in his house.


Get him in, Brendan will sort him out.


Sorry Fabio, your attitude is great and all that but you are made of sugar and don't score goals.

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Mancini was a strict disciplinarian who had already worked with Balotelli, and even he couldn't control him.


I have no idea why people think Rodgers could as he has no track record of dealing with someone like Balotelli. Our younger players were nowhere near as bad in attitude, and Suarez was a consumate professional when training and being prepared to play.


Thinking you can change Balotelli is like a repeat domestic violence victim thinking she can change the man who beats the shit out of her.


Swerve for me.

He is a little older now. What was his behaviour like at Milan, anyone know?
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26 goals in 43 appearances, assume in all comps, and for 17 million, think it's worth the risk.


We aren't going to get Cavani or Falcao so I think he is the next best to level player that we stand a chance of signing.


How many of those goals were from penalties or free kicks though? He's not productive enough from open play and that's down to his inconsistency and attitude rather than any lack of ability.

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Mancini was a strict disciplinarian who had already worked with Balotelli, and even he couldn't control him.


I have no idea why people think Rodgers could as he has no track record of dealing with someone like Balotelli. Our younger players were nowhere near as bad in attitude, and Suarez was a consumate professional when training and being prepared to play.


Thinking you can change Balotelli is like a repeat domestic violence victim thinking she can change the man who beats the !@#$%^&* out of her.


Swerve for me. 

Rodgers will live to regret it I'm afraid.

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This forum is fucking ridiculous.


We're desperate for another striker to come in before the end of the window. There's one available for not a massive amount of money. He's only 24, and has roughly a goal every 2 games record for club and country since he turned professional. And yet people don't want him?!

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This forum is fucking ridiculous.


We're desperate for another striker to come in before the end of the window. There's one available for not a massive amount of money. He's only 24, and has roughly a goal every 2 games record for club and country since he turned professional. And yet people don't want him?!

I know, you'd think he was a lazy lunatic whose been shipped out of every big club he's ever played for.

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This forum is fucking ridiculous.


We're desperate for another striker to come in before the end of the window. There's one available for not a massive amount of money. He's only 24, and has roughly a goal every 2 games record for club and country since he turned professional. And yet people don't want him?!


A club that finished 8th in Serie A last year can't wait to get rid of him.

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It would hardly be a desperate signing mate kinell he is class


He is just a fucking headcase


He wouldn't have been hardly anyone's choice to sign at the start of the transfer window, and whilst I agree that on his day he is class he is really, really bad when he is not up for it.


If the alternatives are Lambert, Borini, Etoo, Bony then yes he is the best option. There is a hell of a player in there, but keeping him focused and playing consistently well is a huge task. 


If we have no chance of Reus or Falcao on loan, then Balotelli probably is the next best option.

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He is a little older now. What was his behaviour like at Milan, anyone know?


Seeing that AC Milan want to sell him for the half the price they bought him for, not much better. 


No doubting his talent but total lack of professionalism . We left those days behind with Razor Ruddock et al.


Mourinho, Mancini, Benitez couldnt deal with him. It will be a huge mistake


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