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Mario Balotelli


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Suarez was only a gamble in the disciplinary sense. If anyone had seen him play he wasnt going anything like the Dutch league failures mentioned. Bear in mind he was also doing it at the world cup beforehand aswell.


The only reason people see Torres as a gamble was due him reaching a level no one  ever expected him to. Best striker in the world at one point. Anyone with sense would have expected a minimum level of a good striker.


If Baoltelli is being compared to the two then they need their head examining.

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One of the Times editors conformed Ayre had met Mino Raiola (Mario's agent) in Amsterdam. He deleted his tweet and account soon after.

Why would the editor of a national paper delete his account because of a dodgy rumour.


Somebody with a fake account designed to look like a times editor is probably closer to the truth.


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According to Italian journalist Nicolo Schira, they are proposing a four-year contract which would take him up to 2018, on wages of £90,000-a-week.

Schira explains that Liverpool’s offer is currently short of Milan’s asking price of £19.9million, but all parties seem keen on the transfer going through.


Its fucking happening isn't it?

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Bring it on.

I'm not always Rodgers biggest cheerleader, but i think he can handle Balotelli.


He fits the FSG mould too doesn't he?

Players looking for a "home".

Who need to be "loved".

Who are good at "football".

After the brouhaha over Suarez and our sponsors and all that bollocks, I reckon Henry et al would shit bricks over someone like Balotelli.

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According to Italian journalist Nicolo Schira, they are proposing a four-year contract which would take him up to 2018, on wages of £90,000-a-week.

Schira explains that Liverpool’s offer is currently short of Milan’s asking price of £19.9million, but all parties seem keen on the transfer going through.


Its fucking happening isn't it?



This is got to be a piss take. Milan were offering him aroun for 14 million a few weeks ago. suddenly his price has gone up?

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Mancini was a strict disciplinarian who had already worked with Balotelli, and even he couldn't control him.


I have no idea why people think Rodgers could as he has no track record of dealing with someone like Balotelli. Our younger players were nowhere near as bad in attitude, and Suarez was a consumate professional when training and being prepared to play.


Thinking you can change Balotelli is like a repeat domestic violence victim thinking she can change the man who beats the shit out of her.


Swerve for me. 

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