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Ronnie Moran

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  • 3 months later...

Good to hear hes going to have a banner at anfield from this season, hes one of a few lfc legends that haven't been looked after well enough since leaving the club Imo.


How do you equate not having a dedicated banner with not being looked after well enough? Just curious to know.

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How do you equate not having a dedicated banner with not being looked after well enough? Just curious to know.

The banner isn't really good enough, people like him and Evans who gave a lot of their life to lfc should be looked after for life.There should be stands named after them or something, hadn't heard fuck all or seen anything of moran until that last interview which shouldn't have been the case.

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shankly paisley nor dalglish have stands named after them. as much as evans and moran dedicated their lives to the club they ll be well down the pecking order for that sort of honour.


how do you know they havent been looked after anyway?evans would have got a nice pay off when he got the boot and he still does work on lfc tv. ronnie moran has got very old and doesnt look like he d be fit for much god help him.

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shankly paisley nor dalglish have stands named after them. as much as evans and moran dedicated their lives to the club they ll be well down the pecking order for that sort of honour.

how do you know they havent been looked after anyway?evans would have got a nice pay off when he got the boot and he still does work on lfc tv. ronnie moran has got very old and doesnt look like he d be fit for much god help him.

If they are being looked after then fair enough, you would expect to see them at anfield every game put up by the club like you see with the mancs and charlton but I don't know if this is the case.


The names you mentioned also deserve recognition, paisley and shanks do it doesn't have to be a stand.


Ive just always found it strange how someone like moran who was on the sidelines for lfc for years was barely seen or heard from since he left.

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I think every year you see photos of Gerrard and Moran at melwood. I think when he's healthy and up to it he's clearly welcome. I don't think Gerrard would stand for it otherwise, let alone any of the old boys still working for the club. 

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If we named stands after all our legends, they'd have to rebuild the stadium as a pentacontagon or something.


"Bugsy" always seems to be welcome (and treated with due respect) at Melwood.  I also occasionally see quite a few former players at the match - David Johnson, Ron Yeats, Howard Gayle, etc.  (I don't know if they're there as guests of the club, or what.)


As for Bobby the Ticket-Tout up the road, isn't he a Director or something?  He's there in his official capacity, not as a guest.

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Great man. Remember reading a nice article on him years ago in which he mentions how Kenny used to tease him for not remembering him when he came to Anfield for a trial as a kid. Didn't realise until reading that article that Kenny had a failed trial with us before.  

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Great man. Remember reading a nice article on him years ago in which he mentions how Kenny used to tease him for not remembering him when he came to Anfield for a trial as a kid. Didn't realise until reading that article that Kenny had a failed trial with us before.  

Pretty sure it wasnt a failed trail. He done the trial then headed straight back to Glasgow as he was homesick,think he was about 15 or not much older than that.I know Kenny said he just wasnt ready to leave home at that point.

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  • 2 years later...

Ronnie Moran is boss. I absolutely loved it when he led the team out at Wembley in 1992. I'm surprised to see he has a book out though. I seem to recall him saying he had turned down offers to do one, as he didn't want to reveal any secrets. I wonder what's in it.

When you've got players on there 2nd book who have only just retired who was on close to 200k a week who know half as much about the game as him. He might have just thought fuck it!


Loved seeing he was still hanging round Melwood a few years ago when Redkapp went back there with Sky.

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Ronnie Moran is boss. I absolutely loved it when he led the team out at Wembley in 1992. I'm surprised to see he has a book out though. I seem to recall him saying he had turned down offers to do one, as he didn't want to reveal any secrets. I wonder what's in it.


I dont blame him Tone. Its not like Ronnie earnt any decent money.

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I remember when he was caretaker boss and we played Derby away and won 7-1...me and my mate went down and in those days we used to collect autographs (we were only kids really then in our defence) we caught him outside after the game and he was brilliant - signed our programmes and my mates beanie hat, chatted with us and had a laugh. Top fella.

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