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Music Continuation Thread - Redux


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Another first for Michael Jackson.  


After he played a gig in Bucharest, he announced that he would be making a public appearance on the balcony of the Palace of the Parliament.  He appeared on the balcony constructed for the dictator Ceaucescu to lord it over his subjugated people.  (The balcony overlooks a boulevard which the vainglorious megalomaniac had ordered to be one metre wider than the Champs Elysees.  The construction of the palace and the boulevard involved the destruction of thousands of homes, plus factories, schools, monasteries and a hospital.  Several thousand people lost their lives in the project, which squandered untold millions of Romania's scarce resources.)  Ceaucescu himself was overthrown and killed before he ever got to make an appearance on the balcony.  Instead, the people who had overthrown him gathered in their thousands to freely and voluntarily cheer someone they actually respected and cared for, in a celebration of their liberation.


Right on cue, Jackson appeared on the balcony and shouted to the adoring crowd



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