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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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6 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Him having gay sex for his hit was just stupid as fuck. He could of just played a bit harder to get and not fuck on the first date all he had to do was lead him on. 

Fuck sake I’m only up the episode 4. Now I’m gonna have to forward it. And he cheats on his missus?!!!!! Christ. She’s spectacular albeit quite a nosey cow. 

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6 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

The Day of the Jackal. 7.5/10. Lots to enjoy, some downsides. 

Im enjoying it so far. Good soundtrack as well. Female agent could have been cast loads better though.

Whoever cast his wife though …… they’re the real hero in all of this. 

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Day of the jackal episode 10:


Spoilers for those not upto date.




Not the best episode which was a shame. Now I hate car chases and the one in this backs me up. Any half decent feds would have easily nicked him there. Would have been better seeing him make it out in a more elaborate way than that.


Someone else already posted about the gay scenes. Totally unnecessary and went against character. Could have easily killled him there after getting him back to his flat and took his id, pass etc. Also the family scenes with Bianca. Who gives a shit. They’d have been better having her as a brutal loner who was a match for hunting him down. Pandering shite to no one instead.


Anyway, I got the feeling there was 2 endings made for this and they’ve seen how its been received and gone with what we ended up with. IMO, the original ending would have seen Bianca being raised from the dead to be the one to smash into him when he was heading the airport and killing them both. 

Will defo watch series 2 though.


7/10 for this episode 8/10 overall.


The brilliant episode 9 boosting this score 




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Jackal was a bit confusing... let's not go into the assassin's tactics and everything that can go wrong with his methods, suspension of disbelief for the sake of entertainment and all that.


But... they set it up so you are actually rooting for him and I am not sure this is what they wanted all along. More like that they didn't know how to make you root for the chasers, which would be right thing to do.


Also, if you want to stop the resident of Croatia from launching a world changing app, there are better and easier ways than killing him. Just set the local bureaucracy on him and he won't ever have time to finish it.

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46 minutes ago, Red74 said:

Day of the jackal episode 10:


Spoilers for those not upto date.




Not the best episode which was a shame. Now I hate car chases and the one in this backs me up. Any half decent feds would have easily nicked him there. Would have been better seeing him make it out in a more elaborate way than that.


Someone else already posted about the gay scenes. Totally unnecessary and went against character. Could have easily killled him there after getting him back to his flat and took his id, pass etc. Also the family scenes with Bianca. Who gives a shit. They’d have been better having her as a brutal loner who was a match for hunting him down. Pandering shite to no one instead.


Anyway, I got the feeling there was 2 endings made for this and they’ve seen how its been received and gone with what we ended up with. IMO, the original ending would have seen Bianca being raised from the dead to be the one to smash into him when he was heading the airport and killing them both. 

Will defo watch series 2 though.


7/10 for this episode 8/10 overall.


The brilliant episode 9 boosting this score 







Her family would have been jumping for joy (even more than I was) when the fat, useless, ugly miserable selfish cunt finally got her comeuppance and took that bullet to the tits.


Thank fuck she won't be in season 2. I might even watch.

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17 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:




Her family would have been jumping for joy (even more than I was) when the fat, useless, ugly miserable selfish cunt finally got her comeuppance and took that bullet to the tits.


Thank fuck she won't be in season 2. I might even watch.

Hahaha. Even the boring bastard of a husband couldn’t wait to send her back out there against the worlds most dangerous man cos he’d had enough of her shit.


And there was no fucking way she was climbing over that roof to get in the jackals lair with that arse

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9 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Fuck sake I’m only up the episode 4. Now I’m gonna have to forward it. And he cheats on his missus?!!!!! Christ. She’s spectacular albeit quite a nosey cow. 

Shit sorry. I didn't think. 


She is amazing his missus and he lives in the most spectacular house in the most amazing place, just retire already you've won.

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On 13/12/2024 at 23:20, SasaS said:


But... they set it up so you are actually rooting for him and I am not sure this is what they wanted all along. More like that they didn't know how to make you root for the chasers, which would be right thing to do.


To be fair the film was much the same, even though it had a dispassionate tone. By the end you're practically willing de Gaulle's head to explode.


Or maybe that was just me.

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On 11/12/2024 at 22:59, Arniepie said:

The girl from plainville

Unsettling drama about a girl who encourages her troubled boyfriend to commit suicide.

Dakota fanning is outstanding playing this main girl with a type of detached vacancy.

There is a huge bit which I don't understand so I'm going to have to go down a wiki hole,but worth a watch




I watched this ages ago, but I thought it was really good - and definitely enhanced by it being a true story. 


On 10/12/2024 at 22:20, Reckoner said:

It’s hard to find anything good that’s been recommended on here. Most things are reported as being complete shite. Which most things are to be fair. 

There you go, that one above is a cracker. The only shame is there won't be season 2! 

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I've just finished the last season of Evil. I enjoyed the show and it was definitely better than I was expecting after the first few episodes. The final episode was a bit weird, I guess though inline with the whole show in many ways. And finally that Katya herbers is fucking brilliant. I'll miss watch her in her underwear. 


Finale - 7.5/10

Season 4 - 8/10

Overall series - 8/10

Katja Herbers 9/10. 




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I've just watched the first episode of Dexter: Original Sin. I liked it. Patrick Gibson and Christian Slater are very believable as Dexter and Harry. I thought Molly Brown less so as Deb, but I got used to her by the end of the episode.


The first episode mostly revolves around those 3 characters, although there are small parts for the rest of the Miami metro staff. I was a little surprised in the direction the episode took, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. I don't want to say much more than that as I don't want to give any spoilers (I think maybe there's a Dexter thread for that). All in all a good start 8/10. 

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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Episode 6 has just been released and is good too. I do find the wife's character annoying as fuck though,and there must be better examples of country music than those used on the series,shirley?

She's meant to be annoying. Incredibly fit but annoying as fuck, I guess that's the payoff in getting to shag someone who looks like that!

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murder of the essex boys blood and betrayal


you can tell a documentary is going g to be shoite when they use the same footage over and over. In this they a clip of these 2 gangsters who reminded me of the driscoll brothers from only fools and horses(1 even had a lisp),walking very slowly down a rd about 16 times

another clip had some former bouncer describe  a nightclub in Ipswich as full of "fornicating and extreme violence” He also believed 1993 was the summer of love because loads of people were having garys (It reminded me of that clip in partrligimage "it was 1973 and the 60s had arrived in Norwich"


I lasted 1 episode



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Yellowstone Finale. Tranquil and cinematic ending in keeping with the vibe of the show (apart from the Beth/Jamie nonsense). Wouldn't call it a great ending but gives closure on what's been a thoroughly enjoyable series overall.


Rip is an all time great TV character and the rest of the cast are very good also (Apart from the ginger knobhead). Lloyd is the pick of the ranch workers, real throwback cowboy.

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Taboo, really good show on Netflix from a few years back. Tom Hardy is a bloke presumed dead in Africa who comes back to 1800s England after his dad is killed as the war of independence is taking place. He has to go up against the Crown, Yanks and East India Company who all want some land he's inherited. Hardy is class in it as a fucked up anti-hero who has a penchant for screwing his half sister, butchering people who get in his way and almost certainly eating parts of them and doing voodoo and shit. It's a top drawer cast including Stephen Graham and Jonathan Pryce. The sets and setting in London are suitably dank and grim. 8/10.

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