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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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4 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Just race through it.

Think they are only 5 seasons

Is there a film on there called l'immortal?

I know I’ve been trying to take my time with it watching episodes of the Wire and Brassic in between amongst other things. 

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Say nothing 

Powerful drama about 2 young sisters who joined the ira in the early 70s.

It makes it explicitly clearly just how catholics were treated in their own country by the protestant majority,the ruc and then the British army at that time.

However as it goes on,the doubts and moral ambiguities pile up.It pulls no punches,in ep3 there is a particularly harrowing scene and the prison scenes are particularly tough.

Maxine peak tells the story in flashback but the girl who plays her younger self is outstanding. 

Throughout it all l,runs the story of a young mother who was abducted and murdered by the ira.

Best drama I've watched in ages


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14 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Say nothing 

Powerful drama about 2 young sisters who joined the ira in the early 70s.

It makes it explicitly clearly just how catholics were treated in their own country by the protestant majority,the ruc and then the British army at that time.

However as it goes on,the doubts and moral ambiguities pile up.It pulls no punches,in ep3 there is a particularly harrowing scene and the prison scenes are particularly tough.

Maxine peak tells the story in flashback but the girl who plays her younger self is outstanding. 

Throughout it all l,runs the story of a young mother who was abducted and murdered by the ira.

Best drama I've watched in ages



I watched the first episode a few days ago. Very impressed.

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53 minutes ago, Red74 said:

The day of the Jackal


started off a bit meh but has really picked up to become a must watch for me now.


8/10 with one episode to go 


would recommend 


I've liked it since the beginning (with the exception of the MI6 actress). I'd agree with an 8 overall. If the MI6 stuff was better, equally interesting in the 'chase', then this would be really fucking good. As it stands, it's good shit and well worth the watch. I'd watch multiple seasons of this if they turned his absolutely smoking hot wife into his sidekick and killed off the MI6 stuff. Take him all over the world, each season. 

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2 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


I've liked it since the beginning (with the exception of the MI6 actress). I'd agree with an 8 overall. If the MI6 stuff was better, equally interesting in the 'chase', then this would be really fucking good. As it stands, it's good shit and well worth the watch. I'd watch multiple seasons of this if they turned his absolutely smoking hot wife into his sidekick and killed off the MI6 stuff. Take him all over the world, each season. 

if I was him, the Mrs and her horrible greedy mother & brother will have to face the sniper rifle for their total lack of respect for what that poor man gave them.


Jack couldn’t have a day away from them while out earning money to fund those bums lifestyles without them tearing his house apart. 

Mi6 best act soon, otherwise Bianca’s not gonna fit in any modes of transport to chase him down the way her arse gets fatter with every episode.

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