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Late to the Yellowstone party. Solid 7.7/10. It's not The Wire or The Sopranos but it's very good. A whiff of Succession about it.


I fucking adore Kelly Reilly. I would walk knee high and barefoot through a mile of stinging nettles just to hear her to tell me to fuck off when I got to her, in her poshest Surrey accent. 




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23 hours ago, Chip Butty said:

Watched the first part, I of a four part series behind the scenes of the shootings of Olivia Pratt-Korbel and Ashley Dale, on Channel 4. 
Heartbreaking to see some of the images on the bizzies body cams and ultimately the thought of those two stolen lives. 
It’s comforting that when the police said they will get there man, or men, they did. 
it’s going to be a tough watch. 

Watched them all today. I’m glad the rats got the sentences they deserved. 

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No idea if it's been talked about as this thread is 9 billion pages long, but I've been binging the fuck out of an Aussie crime/black comedy called Mr Inbetween.


Season 1 and 2 are great. I'm 3 deep into S3, not got the edge of the others yet but assume it kicks into life soon.


If you've got nothing on the radar - well worth a watch. 7.5/10


Edit : Should have searched. Has indeed been talked about. Even got it own thread. Soz, I'll do better. 

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4 minutes ago, Red Banjo said:

No idea if it's been talked about as this thread is 9 billion pages long, but I've been binging the fuck out of an Aussie crime/black comedy called Mr Inbetween.


Season 1 and 2 are great. I'm 3 deep into S3, not got the edge of the others yet but assume it kicks into life soon.


If you've got nothing on the radar - well worth a watch. 7.5/10


It's fucking outstanding.  

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7 minutes ago, Lurtz said:


It's fucking outstanding.  


You are absolutely correct. I watched the first 2 seasons on my own then my Mrs was in the house when the episode where his mate Dirk's kid gets snatched from the store and she was instantly hooked.


Was happy to rewatch every episode with her so she could catch up.


I'm upgrading it to 8.5. It's fucking ace.


Edit again : That's not really a spoiler is it? Soz again. I'll defo do better.

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28 minutes ago, Red Banjo said:

No idea if it's been talked about as this thread is 9 billion pages long, but I've been binging the fuck out of an Aussie crime/black comedy called Mr Inbetween.


Season 1 and 2 are great. I'm 3 deep into S3, not got the edge of the others yet but assume it kicks into life soon.


If you've got nothing on the radar - well worth a watch. 7.5/10


Edit : Should have searched. Has indeed been talked about. Even got it own thread. Soz, I'll do better. 

We've got a whole thread on it!

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On 19/08/2024 at 23:11, Chip Butty said:

Watched the first part, I of a four part series behind the scenes of the shootings of Olivia Pratt-Korbel and Ashley Dale, on Channel 4. 
Heartbreaking to see some of the images on the bizzies body cams and ultimately the thought of those two stolen lives. 
It’s comforting that when the police said they will get there man, or men, they did. 
it’s going to be a tough watch. 

Absolutely harrowing that. I’ve got a 9 year old girl and I found it very difficult to watch that. Gang of cunts the lot of them. Glad the sentences handed down reflected the crimes.

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Merseyside Detectives 1-4. 7/10.


Nothing gorundbreaking in terms of detective tv, but the one sequence were an officer carries out Olivia Korbel to his car (you can just see the silhouette of him carrying her body on the bodycam footage) and he and his partner rush off to hospital while his partner tries to give her CPR, is heartbreaking.

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10 hours ago, Shitty Arse said:

Absolutely harrowing that. I’ve got a 9 year old girl and I found it very difficult to watch that. Gang of cunts the lot of them. Glad the sentences handed down reflected the crimes.


I'm two episodes in. The scene were the police turn up at the house, grab her and then drive her the hospital, with the woman in the back trying to keep her alive was too much for me.


Also, it will always be crazy to me that you shoot a kid and then decide to run off to your bit on the side and spill your guts out. Keeping it to yourself seems like the way to go.

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12 minutes ago, John102 said:


I'm two episodes in. The scene were the police turn up at the house, grab her and then drive her the hospital, with the woman in the back trying to keep her alive was too much for me.


Also, it will always be crazy to me that you shoot a kid and then decide to run off to your bit on the side and spill your guts out. Keeping it to yourself seems like the way to go.

how the fuck would you get over something like that? 

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26 minutes ago, John102 said:


I'm two episodes in. The scene were the police turn up at the house, grab her and then drive her the hospital, with the woman in the back trying to keep her alive was too much for me.


Also, it will always be crazy to me that you shoot a kid and then decide to run off to your bit on the side and spill your guts out. Keeping it to yourself seems like the way to go.

Fucking knobheads. All that money and spend your weekend hanging out in a flat above some shops in Pilch Lane. Hardly the flamboyant Escobar lifestyle is it? Also the car was found. And that fella had the trackie bottoms at his house full of gunpowder residue. I thought you just set fire to everything to destroy the evidence? Didn’t seem very bright did they?

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12 hours ago, Anubis said:

Merseyside Detectives 1-4. 7/10.


Nothing gorundbreaking in terms of detective tv, but the one sequence were an officer carries out Olivia Korbel to his car (you can just see the silhouette of him carrying her body on the bodycam footage) and he and his partner rush off to hospital while his partner tries to give her CPR, is heartbreaking.

Yeah,I said to my wife imagine that car trip to the hospital and the stress on the officers.awful.

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1 hour ago, Mudface said:

In the least surprising news ever, The Acolyte has been cancelled. Abysmal viewing figures and public reviews did for it. Doubt it will be missed, it looks dreadful.


I read something today about Disney clearing the decks & talking about going back to storytelling rather than ramming diversity down people's throats.


Probably belongs in another thread but may see an improvement in some of these things they put out.

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22 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Watching the Merseyside Detectives (I hate streaming, I go old school), and what an arrogant shite that Cashman is!

Yeah he is a a tit. He has that child like quality of thinking if he has the last word that he has had the person off 

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19 hours ago, Shitty Arse said:

Fucking knobheads. All that money and spend your weekend hanging out in a flat above some shops in Pilch Lane. Hardly the flamboyant Escobar lifestyle is it? Also the car was found. And that fella had the trackie bottoms at his house full of gunpowder residue. I thought you just set fire to everything to destroy the evidence? Didn’t seem very bright did they?

The other two were thick as fuck. Proper gimps. Fed by the other twat 


15 hours ago, John102 said:

Yeah he is a a tit. He has that child like quality of thinking if he has the last word that he has had the person off 

It was quite mad because seeing his pictures I didn’t expect him to be the weird little runt he is. Imagine living in fear of that cunt. “He’s shot someone you know” oh yeah makes him hard does it. 

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7 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

The other two were thick as fuck. Proper gimps. Fed by the other twat 


It was quite mad because seeing his pictures I didn’t expect him to be the weird little runt he is. Imagine living in fear of that cunt. “He’s shot someone you know” oh yeah makes him hard does it. 

And left a footprint in the birds gaff from his size 8 On Running Cloud Flyers. Even the incriminating evidence had ESD. 

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