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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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11 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Kids set them off in the middle of the street here scaring the shit out of old people and pets.


It's utter cunt behaviour and anyone into them should be castrated, even the women.


There's drastic and then there's drastic.

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Lazy ignorant pricks who can’t be arsed to take their trolleys back. I’m sat in the car with the dog in tesco car park waiting for her and some dickhead has just left his trolley next to his car and fucked off. The trolley shed is about 5 cars down. I bet the cunt throws his maccies wrappers out the window and doesn’t get out of the bath for a shit.

And don’t get me started on the cunt who’s just walked out in a pair of sliders with his toes out. The world’s full of complete scum. 

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48 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

People who use pay at the pump for fuel and do that thing at the end in which they're squeezing the trigger to make sure they put in bang on the penny, 30.00 for example.


What does it matter, it's not like you need to hand over the right amount.

People who use the ‘pay at the pump’ but then go in the shop anyway, even though the non pay at the pump ones are completely free. 

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Shit fish & chips.


Been out and about today with only coffee and toast for breakfast so was starving.


Got some fish and chips to have at home and fucking hell. The clue is chips with an S. You know, plural. Fucking mingebags.


And it was in those bloody foam trays so the food was literally swimming in oil.

They should ban them fucking things and go back to wrapping in paper and newspaper like they used to. 


At least then the majority of the grease would be soaked up and you wouldn't have to throw it away.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Parking apps. The shit cunts.


I don’t carry change anymore, and usually lash what I have in the tray in the car. But I frequently run out of coins when I come to pay. If you can find a machine working that is. 


You usually end up having to pay with the app, lack of signal and you’re fucked, or you have to download a new one, or the one you need you’ve been logged out of and can’t remember the password, I must have about 10 on my phone.  

Woe betide you if you get a signal, get the app, log in and you just so happen to be on a boundary of a parking zone and you choose the wrong one. 

And for all this convenience you have to pay more despite cutting costs to the provider as they don’t have to empty the change or restock the machine with paper and ink. But somehow we’re screwed into paying more.


It’s a swizz 



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Zombies on the tube. 

I haven’t been to London in rush hour for ages. 

Anyway, I was up there for the unmentionable on Wednesday. Kings Cross underground it was a clusterfuck. It’s got a lot worse.


People totally zoned out, headphones, earbuds and glued to screens. Walking about in random directions and not aware of anything around them, veering off course, stepping in front of vulnerable people.


We should be allowed to dish out sock beatings to the these muppets. Couple of snooker balls and footy sock across the temple would sort it

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37 minutes ago, RJ Fan club said:

Parking apps. The shit cunts.


I don’t carry change anymore, and usually lash what I have in the tray in the car. But I frequently run out of coins when I come to pay. If you can find a machine working that is. 


You usually end up having to pay with the app, lack of signal and you’re fucked, or you have to download a new one, or the one you need you’ve been logged out of and can’t remember the password, I must have about 10 on my phone.  

Woe betide you if you get a signal, get the app, log in and you just so happen to be on a boundary of a parking zone and you choose the wrong one. 

And for all this convenience you have to pay more despite cutting costs to the provider as they don’t have to empty the change or restock the machine with paper and ink. But somehow we’re screwed into paying more.


It’s a swizz 



One of the biggest rackets in the country. Absolute bastards 


Although parking up a road up the side of Dale St on Saturday and my bird was having the same murder as you with the fucking things and two parking wardens walked up and said it’s free in about 15 minutes so don’t worry about it. I fully expected to come back to the car clamped but no, they were decent fellas. 

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On 23/12/2024 at 11:04, sir roger said:

Woke up this morning in a good mood after yesterday's events and looking forward to a hotel stay tonight with the Mrs, but the whole vibe has been ruined by a 10 minute UFC bout with a new tinfoil roll. I have given up with the kitchen looking like the Blue Peter studio and the tinfoil roll an inch thinner on both ends than the glue-ridden middle 

Worst blues lyrics ever.

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