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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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I'd live Christmas if I had kids or our family was close but it's not really so I don't do much. I'm off from the 12th to 26th this year baring 3 days so plan to enjoy it best I can. Will be taking my Grandad for a meal at some point though

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3 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Royal mail. Don't tell me you tried to deliver a parcel but there was no answer when firstly I was in and there was no knock, you left no note to say you tried and even somehow avoided my security cameras. I get deliveries fail fine but don't fucking lie to make your numbers look better you fucks. Now I'm  not available to take the delivery at all until next week, its why I paid extra for today you useless bastards. Even horrificly shit firms do better.

Aint privatisation wonderful!

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I fucking hate them..... 


I don't give a fuck what anyone says, you never get a good sleep in them... Never..... I actually bring my own pillows whenever I have the misfortune of going to one for the simple fact their pillows are usually as high as the great pyramids..... 


But there's always some weird humming sound, or water pump, or just some annoying noise that keeps you awake.... And don't get me started on the heat of them.....the rooms are like fucking saunas...... 


In case you'se hadn't guessed, I'm currently staying in one....... Hate them!!! 

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4 hours ago, chrisbonnie said:



I fucking hate them..... 


I don't give a fuck what anyone says, you never get a good sleep in them... Never..... I actually bring my own pillows whenever I have the misfortune of going to one for the simple fact their pillows are usually as high as the great pyramids..... 


But there's always some weird humming sound, or water pump, or just some annoying noise that keeps you awake.... And don't get me started on the heat of them.....the rooms are like fucking saunas...... 


In case you'se hadn't guessed, I'm currently staying in one....... Hate them!!! 



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Warburtons bread.


I remember as a kid the Toastie loaf in the orange packing used to nice and thick, ideal (as the name suggests) for toasted sandwiches. These days it's shite and is basically a medium sliced loaf, you have to get the Super green pack to get anything worth lashing in a toaster.


The blue medium sliced must be wafer thin.

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2 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

Warburtons bread.


I remember as a kid the Toastie loaf in the orange packing used to nice and thick, ideal (as the name suggests) for toasted sandwiches. These days it's shite and is basically a medium sliced loaf, you have to get the Super green pack to get anything worth lashing in a toaster.


The blue medium sliced must be wafer thin.

It's tory behaviour. As much profit for as little outlay as possible. Cunts is what they are. Food manufacturers in general have been getting away with this shit for years. Don't even start on packets of crisps.

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6 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

Warburtons bread.


I remember as a kid the Toastie loaf in the orange packing used to nice and thick, ideal (as the name suggests) for toasted sandwiches. These days it's shite and is basically a medium sliced loaf, you have to get the Super green pack to get anything worth lashing in a toaster.


The blue medium sliced must be wafer thin.

I get the thick toastie bread. It’s alright. 

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The new trend of food places, normally burger joints, supermarkets…etc shortening Coleslaw to just ‘Slaw’


Fucking Slaw??


Absolutely gets on my tits to the point of refusing to buy anything with ‘Slaw’ on it. You’ve saved yourself printing four extra letters, shortened down just for the sake of it.


Nearly ruins my day seeing it. Getting wound up just trying this. 

Fucking Slaw.

Fuck Off. 



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19 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Light sensitive eyes. Only takes one thing to slightly blind me and that's it my vision goes for about  half an hour followed by a migraine. I can take the migraine but the vision thing is a pain in the arse can't read phones or screens or focus on anything.

That must be so frustrating



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The way I get a cough.


Absolutely fine during the day, kicks in around 9pm as I'm settling down for the evening, then absolute bastard through the night, and inevitably wakes me up at 4:something in the morning so I'm knackered all day.



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7 minutes ago, Bob said:

The way I get a cough.


Absolutely fine during the day, kicks in around 9pm as I'm settling down for the evening, then absolute bastard through the night, and inevitably wakes me up at 4:something in the morning so I'm knackered all day.



I get an itch on my foot as soon as I get in bed. Pisses me right off. 

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I went to a Christmas Party last night at a friend’s house. I took a Carrot Cake from the Morrisons ‘Best Of’ range.

At end of the night it remained untouched. This was in stark contrast to the bag of cheese wotsits another guest brought which were completely devoured. I should have taken the cake home when I left, but I didn’t. 


Christmas has already been ruined for me by a bag of fucking wotsits.

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20 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

I went to a Christmas Party last night at a friend’s house. I took a Carrot Cake from the Morrisons ‘Best Of’ range.

At end of the night it remained untouched. This was in stark contrast to the bag of cheese wotsits another guest brought which were completely devoured. I should have taken the cake home when I left, but I didn’t. 


Christmas has already been ruined for me by a bag of fucking wotsits.

Nobody wants to eat cake when they’re smashing the ale in mate. Knowing your keys in the bowl lot over there I suspect they were all on the shite as well.

You should have taken it home though. I love carrot cake and cream. 


18 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Me too. Always the soul of my left foot. I wonder if this is a thing.

I hope my thing isn’t the same as yours. 

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22 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

I went to a Christmas Party last night at a friend’s house. I took a Carrot Cake from the Morrisons ‘Best Of’ range.

At end of the night it remained untouched. This was in stark contrast to the bag of cheese wotsits another guest brought which were completely devoured. I should have taken the cake home when I left, but I didn’t. 


Christmas has already been ruined for me by a bag of fucking wotsits.


Many years ago at my now-wife's 21st house party her mum said late on that there was buffet left if anybody wanted to take a few bits with them. Realised a bit later that the boyfriend of one of our workmates who we barely knew had gone in the fridge and taken a whole foot-long gala pie that was still in plastic and was for a family  'do'  the next day. I'd taken a 2 hour long bus round trip to Lewis's food Hall to get the bastard earlier that day. Still fuming 40 years later.

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