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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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9 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Has anybody ever got a job just before christmas and ended up at the office party hardly knowing anybody there? 


Got transferred between Bank branches two weeks before my 21st birthday, and went from an office where I was King Dick and looking down the barrel of a £150 collection, to a branch where I was approached to pay for the last 4 letters of my own  engraved beer mug.

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2 minutes ago, sir roger said:


Got transferred between Bank branches two weeks before my 21st birthday, and went from an office where I was King Dick and looking down the barrel of a £150 collection, to a branch where I was approached to pay for the last 4 letters of my own  engraved beer mug.

Hope you got one that just says R on it.

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The Haka. I'm so glad that, at long last, the occasional person is actually questioning why the feck everyone else reveres it. You get a country claiming it's 'in their culture' to basically take the piss out of their opponents, complete with a slitting throat gesture, and all the authorities go, 'Ah, yes, how delightful, do go ahead!' Piss off! Can you imagine any other country trying that? And the opponents are supposed to just stand there and accept it, and if they try to respond to it - they're fecking FINED! There's zero consistency or logic to it.

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14 hours ago, gkmacca said:

The Haka. I'm so glad that, at long last, the occasional person is actually questioning why the feck everyone else reveres it. You get a country claiming it's 'in their culture' to basically take the piss out of their opponents, complete with a slitting throat gesture, and all the authorities go, 'Ah, yes, how delightful, do go ahead!' Piss off! Can you imagine any other country trying that? And the opponents are supposed to just stand there and accept it, and if they try to respond to it - they're fecking FINED! There's zero consistency or logic to it.


The bit I find perplexing is why any opponent the all blacks face, actually acknowledge it. 


Why do they bother standing in front of the eejits doing their little dance. Just completely ignore it and go down the other end throwing balls to each other or practice drop goals, something... Just don't give it any time of day...... 


I'm putting formal wear into the annoying thread. 


Shoes particularly.. They're not comfortable, they make your feet hurt.... Simple as that...... Just wear a nice pair of runners ffs 

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1 hour ago, chrisbonnie said:


The bit I find perplexing is why any opponent the all blacks face, actually acknowledge it. 


Why do they bother standing in front of the eejits doing their little dance. Just completely ignore it and go down the other end throwing balls to each other or practice drop goals, something... Just don't give it any time of day...... 


I think Ireland actually did that once. And Richard Cockerill got England to link arms and walk into them while they did their wardance. they still got battered mind

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