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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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9 hours ago, Remmie said:

I had the wife and kids out the house for the unmentionable yesterday, a rare and welcome scenario. Decided to invite a friend over to watch with me and he brought his fucking bird and her son over. 


Teach me not to go out and watch it but it really took the jam out my doughnut.


That's fucking unacceptable.

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43 minutes ago, Engineman Hicks said:

The Christmas office party this year is fancy fucking dress. I now have to think of a costume if any one has a suggestion apart from Tory boy. 


35 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Serial Killer. 

And really act the part!


Thankfully I don't have to go to mine.

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2 hours ago, Engineman Hicks said:

The Christmas office party this year is fancy fucking dress. I now have to think of a costume if any one has a suggestion apart from Tory boy


It has to be fancy dress, you wouldn't get away with wearing your normal gear anyway.

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1 hour ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Has anybody ever got a job just before christmas and ended up at the office party hardly knowing anybody there? 

Sounds alright to be honest, provided they lay on the drinks. Sneak off and watch a film or something, coming back for free refills.

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2 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Has anybody ever got a job just before christmas and ended up at the office party hardly knowing anybody there? 

Yeah, me last year.


I usually swerve Christmas parties, the last place I worked at for 19 years and attended two of them.


Last year I thought I'd make an effort as I had only joined the business a few weeks before. It was a meal in Manchester that we had to pay for and then it was a free bar until midnight.


If there were 50 people there, I knew 3 of them and not well enough for being sat at a table until 1am, 2 of them got off straight after the meal to make matters worse.


I declined this years.

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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Has anybody ever got a job just before christmas and ended up at the office party hardly knowing anybody there? 

Yep, went in barely knowing anyone and kept to myself early on. Also realised that after I took my jacket off that I looked to be in similar attire to the waiters.


My new CEO breezed in not long afterwards, handed me their coat and asked for a Chardonnay! The head of HR’s feet were spinning like roadrunner as she shot across the room to try and resolve the egregious error. Oh how we laughed….

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35 minutes ago, jonnyp said:

Yep, went in barely knowing anyone and kept to myself early on. Also realised that after I took my jacket off that I looked to be in similar attire to the waiters.


My new CEO breezed in not long afterwards, handed me their coat and asked for a Chardonnay! The head of HR’s feet were spinning like roadrunner as she shot across the room to try and resolve the egregious error. Oh how we laughed….

I hope they sacked him on the spot for ordering Chardonnay. 

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3 minutes ago, jonnyp said:

No mate, CEO was a she!

Her then!!!! It’s still vile stuff!!!! One of the only alcoholic drinks I consider turning down tbh 


Me and a mate ended up at some random birds and while he was upstairs shagging the woman I polished off almost two bottles of the stuff in the kitchen because it was all the weirdo had. I was already bladdered. I was burping the stuff up for days it was sickening. Can’t even smell the stuff now without wanting to throw up. 


Hang on ….. 

  • Haha 1
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