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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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18 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I’ve just realised there’s no apostrophe in Starbuck’s and it’s really irritating. I’m actually thinking of writing a terse note to their uk head office but I suspect they’ve had hundreds already. 

Do you drive a Kia Cee'd by any chance?

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Credit Scores.


I paid off my credit card at the end of June, so debt free.


I checked my bank account this morning using the banking app to see my balance and had a look at my credit score while I was at it.


It's gone down by 6 points and the reason?

I'm using 0% of the credit available to me so they can't see how I manage my accounts.

Paying off your debts has a detrimental effect it seems.


What a fucking system.


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14 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:

Credit Scores.


I paid off my credit card at the end of June, so debt free.


I checked my bank account this morning using the banking app to see my balance and had a look at my credit score while I was at it.


It's gone down by 6 points and the reason?

I'm using 0% of the credit available to me so they can't see how I manage my accounts.

Paying off your debts has a detrimental effect it seems.


What a fucking system.



It's bullshit. Banks and credit companies will apply their own scoring anyway, so it's indicative at best. It's mainly to try and get commission by people applying for credit through them.

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If banks raise interest rates to help the economy and fight off inflation what do they do with all this extra revenue? My mortgage has gone up by about an extra £250 a month  straight out the bat.. zoink we will take that cash from your pocket because we've decided we want too. 


Sick of hearing people say I was paying 18 percent interest in the 80s okay let's work out what 18 percent is today and tell me if your'e that fucking financially wise how you'd do it today.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If banks raise interest rates to help the economy and fight off inflation what do they do with all this extra revenue? My mortgage has gone up by about an extra £250 a month  straight out the bat.. zoink we will take that cash from your pocket because we've decided we want too. 


Sick of hearing people say I was paying 18 percent interest in the 80s okay let's work out what 18 percent is today and tell me if your'e that fucking financially wise how you'd do it today.


That's not quite right. The underlying interest rate is set by the Bank of England- if it goes up, it becomes more expensive for banks to borrow, and that gets passed on to their customers. Where they take the piss is in not making a commensurate rise in the rate of interest they offer to savers. It's bad enough that saving basically means you're losing money due to the inflation rate being higher than the interest rates on offer, even worse when those rates barely budge despite the interest rates going up.

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Mates when you were a kid who had cunty parents, you were never allowed in their house and if you ever did go in it was proper uncomfortable.


Karl Pilkington always goes on about how he was never allowed in his mates house so he had to play the computer by standing outside and his mate passing the controller to him out the window.

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On 05/08/2023 at 12:13, Bobby Hundreds said:

If banks raise interest rates to help the economy and fight off inflation what do they do with all this extra revenue? My mortgage has gone up by about an extra £250 a month  straight out the bat.. zoink we will take that cash from your pocket because we've decided we want too. 


Sick of hearing people say I was paying 18 percent interest in the 80s okay let's work out what 18 percent is today and tell me if your'e that fucking financially wise how you'd do it today.

They make money from debt which is why those credit scores are bollocks. It benefits financial establishments for their customers to be in debt and their political friends as it means a reluctance to strike or protest over poor wages and so on. This is not an accident and was planbed this way a long time ago.

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I remember being in one of my mates houses, years ago, who’s mother was a bit of a snob. We weren’t banned exactly, but were never exactly made welcome. 

Anyway, she was out so a few of us were round there messing about. We’d have been early teens. Some ornament got broken pretty much as his mother walked through the door. She went off on one with at one of my other mates, who she’d decided was the culprit (it may have been, can’t remember). 

She shouted at him to sit down. Which he did, right on top of the expensive sunglasses she’d left on the chair in her front room. 

Not sure any of us ever went round there again after that. 

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On 07/08/2023 at 18:04, Captain Willard said:

We lived on a posh estate but slowly sank into desperate poverty and chaos so my mates had much nicer houses than ours. I remember going around someone’s house once and the mother insisted I sat on a tea towel rather than her white sofa. 

One of my mates was an only child and a bit spoilt. His Mum was very houseproud but nevertheless an ok person. Myself and another mate used to go round to our 'spoilt' mates house once a week for a games night as he had a Dart board and Snooker table (half sized.) We stored all our farts up and let rip like their was no tomorrow. They were always smelly and it annoyed the fuck out of our mate and his Mum. Great days.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Who keeps giving Simon Reeves these TV shows where he just travels the world offers fuck all insight its just him getting paid to enjoy himself in a way that's boring as fuck.


Was wondering the same a few months ago. 


He's fucking rubbish at these programmes, why are they choosing him?

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On 11/07/2023 at 13:04, Bob Spunkmouse said:

Wasn’t as bad as I feared, but I still feel a bit sick from the anxiety.


they need a deep clean due to tartar build up and I need one filling. That’s way better than I expected.

Went for the clean and the filling today. Fucking hell it was unpleasant.


teeth feel itchy now tonight. Not keen on this at all

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People (I mean the wife) who constantly put half a tin of beans back in the fridge as she “hates waste”.


Said beans will then remain in the fridge as the wife and I embark on a version of a game of chicken to see who will break and throw them out first. They almost never get eaten, and end up as waste anyway. 

My pleads to “just eat them all, or throw them away” fall on deaf ears. 

I even bought her a few of those smaller tins. They’re still in the cupboard as “there’s not enough in them”. 

There’ll be some on here that put the blame for this squarely on the beans. I say to them, if you knew my wife you would think differently. I certainly wouldn’t put her on a breakfast, she’d even annoy the black pudding. 

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25 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

People (I mean the wife) who constantly put half a tin of beans back in the fridge as she “hates waste”.


Said beans will then remain in the fridge as the wife and I embark on a version of a game of chicken to see who will break and throw them out first. They almost never get eaten, and end up as waste anyway. 

My pleads to “just eat them all, or throw them away” fall on deaf ears. 

I even bought her a few of those smaller tins. They’re still in the cupboard as “there’s not enough in them”. 

There’ll be some on here that put the blame for this squarely on the beans. I say to them, if you knew my wife you would think differently. I certainly wouldn’t put her on a breakfast, she’d even annoy the black pudding. 


Your honeymoon photo





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32 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

People (I mean the wife) who constantly put half a tin of beans back in the fridge as she “hates waste”.


Said beans will then remain in the fridge as the wife and I embark on a version of a game of chicken to see who will break and throw them out first. They almost never get eaten, and end up as waste anyway. 

My pleads to “just eat them all, or throw them away” fall on deaf ears. 

I even bought her a few of those smaller tins. They’re still in the cupboard as “there’s not enough in them”. 

There’ll be some on here that put the blame for this squarely on the beans. I say to them, if you knew my wife you would think differently. I certainly wouldn’t put her on a breakfast, she’d even annoy the black pudding. 

All kinds of wrongness here.

The best solution is to walk straight the aisle that sells them in the shops.

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Seagulls. And I mean the proper big bastards. Noisy, greedy vermin.


Had a lovely day out by the sea, and one of them dive bombed me twice to try taking my haddock and chips. Having bravely fought him off, he had the last laugh; as I strolled along the promenade with my mint choc chic ice cream, the feathered Jaws reappeared (had to be the same one) to swipe it, leaving me with an empty cone.


Got a chocolate cone, double scoop - choc chip and mint choc chip - nearer the car park to console myself.


I know they say the removal of any animal in a food chain / ecosystem would be catastrophic, but I'd be willing to risk it for these. Wipe 'em out.

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17 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

haddock and chips.

If you’d have got cod instead, they’d have left you alone. Discerning fuckers are seagulls. 

But then I suppose that would mean you wouldn’t be a discerning fucker. 

Just a fucker.


Although that’s still better than being a fucks. 

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On 08/08/2023 at 20:14, VladimirIlyich said:

One of my mates was an only child and a bit spoilt. His Mum was very houseproud but nevertheless an ok person. Myself and another mate used to go round to our 'spoilt' mates house once a week for a games night as he had a Dart board and Snooker table (half sized.) We stored all our farts up and let rip like their was no tomorrow. They were always smelly and it annoyed the fuck out of our mate and his Mum. Great days.

Storing farts? Thats some talent

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