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Featured: Defender: Boss calls me 'Killer'

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Mamadou Sakho says he is settling into life in England and revealed that Brendan Rodgers has dubbed him 'Killer'.


Sakho has been at Liverpool for little over a month and says he is enjoying life at Anfield. “I've just found a house in the Liverpool suburbs, not far from Steven Gerrard's actually" he said. "The driving was a bit difficult, and I've found myself on the right hand side of the road a couple of times. I think I'm going to hire a driver. It'll be a bit easier." 
"Football wise, it's completely different. I'm always learning and I listen intently to want the coach has to say. It's funny, he calls me “Killer”! 
"I’m taking English lessons. On the pitch, I try and adapt to my teammates, and it's getting easier and easier because I constantly need to communicate with them. I have no regrets whatsoever about my decision to leave Paris."
Sakho has been recalled to the French squad for their upcoming matches against Australia and Finland, which he says vindicates his decision to swap Paris for Liverpool, ‘I had to quit Paris to get back in the France squad.  Being picked again proves many things. That I still have that level."
The 23 year old also insisted that he did not leave boyhood club PSG because he was scared of competition for places, but rather that it was not fair competition.  "I didn’t leave to join a big club because of the competition at PSG.  At Liverpool there are also very good players in my position but the competition is clean. At Paris it had become complicated.
"I don’t want to talk about someone behind their back. I could say many things about certain directors at Paris but there’s no point. I’ve put that behind me and closed the door. The day I decided to leave PSG, I just got on with it."


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I think he is going to be fucking quality for us in the long term, had a few dodgy moments in a couple of early games but all look like being due to used to a different style rather than not being up to scratch, he has all the attributes to be class for us

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i'm warming to this man.  he certainly doesn't mind throwing his body about during a match.  I think its infectious.  between his evil stare and kolo constantly talking to himself, forwards must be shitting themselves at having to deal with the two nutters.

If Kolo can become Gary Mac MkII (in terms of a player thought past his prime blowing the dust of those magic boots one last time) I'd be happy. Gives us some breathing space till we can find a 23-25 yr old version of him. As for Sakho. He seems to be making less mistakes already which is a good thing. In terms of comparison hes seems a more pyscho version of Henchoz. Always there for a last minute tackle. but I'd prefer if he was a quicker version of "The Master" Sami .

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