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Gym Beglin

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I've always maintained a preference for Eriksen anyway, so I couldn't really careless on missing out on Mkhi. But, you just know we will probably mess it up on the Eriksen front as well, so my turn to get disappointed has just been slightly delayed I guess.

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It's 2013, lads.


Borussia Dortmund > Liverpool F.C.


We've been told he wanted to join Liverpool all summer. No doubt Ayre feeding media stuff again and looking like a tit when it goes wrong again.


Seems like we've been trying for ages, Dortmund step in, offer the cash, no fucking about, deal done.

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dont we really wanted him after all reports are saying dortmund have 20.5m bid accepted which means we could afford that much.


I was under the impression we have funds available.


I dont think we shall be seeing any marquee signing our business is done unless we sell saurez and get a replacement -ZERO NET SPEND

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If the idea is to add goals to the team then Eriksen isn't really the ideal choice. His goalscoring record is okay but no more than that. Perhaps Josip Ilicic would be a better option for that kind of role.

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The last time we bought a marquee player who slotted into the team and made instant impact was Torres-im exclusing Suarez of course.


With FSG incharge nothing changed apart from signing youngsters hence Steve G has come out saying youngters need to man up and start producing.

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We've been told he wanted to join Liverpool all summer. No doubt Ayre feeding media stuff again and looking like a tit when it goes wrong again.


Seems like we've been trying for ages, Dortmund step in, offer the cash, no fucking about, deal done.


Nah, we didn't want him or he didn't want us. Whatever the press have said.

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No he has waited and waited for us to pull our fingers out and match Dortmund's offer. We fannied about over a few mill and he's thought 'What kind of club am I about to join, one that thinks out of either sheer arrogance or tight fisted or without the financial clout to throw in an extra few mil?

Then you throw in the 3rd kit, the lack of any achievement of note behind the manager or owners and the general shitness fumes wafting off the club right now Im surprised, nay shocked holding my mouth that we even got this far.

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Joking aside, we've royally fucked up this one. Either down to Ayre or FSG.


There aren't that many attacking midfielders worldwide that contribute goals to the team like Mkhitaryan could have done. Potentially propelled us back into the big time and Champions league.


We really need to keep our targets out of the media and get them done.


Only other player I can think of similar class is Draxler, but he's less proven, but Schalke would want the same amount.

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He's joining a top German side who are in the Champions league over us. Can't really complain, we just have to get used to this kind of thing until we get back up that table.

We tried to nip in early and buy him which was a nice idea but unfortunately it didn't work.


Except he didnt join us becuase we couldnt agree a fee with his club, over a few mill, which is pennies to a club like ours and if he is a player to power us back into the CL then Id say we will make that back.

We wont be going any higher up the table if we do our deals like that. Not under Rogers.

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James Pearce saying we've admitted defeat signing this fellow.




Said from the start it looked like we were being used as bait to smoke out others. Mino knows how this shit works reeled us in and got his client the right deal.


As a few said I am sure we have other top targets to replace the Greek and this Armenian, Ayre has this shit under control.

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