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Ferguson retiring Imminent.


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"It's a load of rubbish" Paddy Crerand's angry rant denying Fergie's departure from Old Trafford

8 May 2013 13:29


Former United hero launched into long rant against the press after dismissing stories about Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement as "a load of rubbish"


Manchester United legend Paddy Crerand will be feeling a little embarrassed this afternoon following the news that Sir Alex Ferguson is retiring as United manager at the end of the season.


Reports were all over the back pages this morning, suggesting that Fergie was on the verge of stepping down, and Crerand appeared as a guest on the Newstalk 106-108FM breakfast show to angrily deny the stories, just minutes before the club made an official statement confirming Sir Alex's departure.


"I'm just laughing," said the United legend when quizzed about Sir Alex's departure from Old Trafford.


"I think people must sit up at night and think now, 'What can I do to make a sensational story?'


"I was at Manchester United last night for three hours, maybe longer than that, four hours... not a murmur about it."


"I think it's a load of rubbish."


What followed was a lengthy rant at the press, before stating that if Fergie was going to leave United, he'd know about it before the press pack did.


"I think I'd be closer to the situation at Manchester United than most of those press guys would be - and I don't believe a word of it."


At the end of the segment, the presenter joked: "I would love to play that back to Paddy if all it all turns out to be true!"


We'd love to hear that, too!

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I work in an office full of Mancs, glorious scenes. I kid you not, one lad had actual tears in his eyes.



Apparently Sky interviewed a guy outside Old Trafford who had been sent home from work because he was too upset. Im so fucking happy its incredible.

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Stupid questions sky were asking Gazza "How difficult a task will it be to follow Moyes at Everton?"


10 years in the same shit hole and a zero trophy count, well that will be a very difficult act to follow!

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its confirmed on bbc,moyes as the new scum manager



BBC Sports Editor David Bond: "David Moyes is set to be appointed as Sir Alex Ferguson's successor at Manchester United. An announcement could be made tomorrow afternoon."

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The mancs are fucked. Utterly, utterly fucked. Few Mancs in our office spent the whole day moaning about the Glazers for no apparent reason, and that's what you'll get now. Ferguson's monumental presence has been able to paper over the cracks but the whole club is held together by spit and glue. Reviled owners, massive debts, 40-year-old players and a highly fractured fanbase, half of them at FC United games the other half flying home to Thailand.


Most clubs have their Sky generation fans but the mancs are a Sky generation club, all of them unaccustomed to anything less than the best - and they're going to be dining on plenty of ashes from now on. Very few managers in the world will be able to deal with their demands, if any.


It's gonna be a hot time, in the old town, tonight.

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It's gonna be a hot time, in the old town, tonight.


I was on the train back from Liverpool city centre and overhead a couple of blues saying it would be boss if Moyes took over Slur Alesh as MUFC would pay 'way over the odds' for Fellani, Baines and Jelavic.


Yeah boys, let the good times roll.

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Wow, it's actually happening, Gollum to succeed Ferguson! Bizarre choice.

I think he'll keep them competitive and they'll always be up there or there abouts, but United can forget about the domination they used to have. The league will be much more wide open from now on.

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i really really hope moyes is appointed their manager. their fans will have him sacked before a full season. i mean, some of their fans have been moaning about ferguson's tactics and are quick to blame him for some of their losses. if moyes gets any sort of poor result he will be crucified.

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The mancs are fucked. Utterly, utterly fucked. Few Mancs in our office spent the whole day moaning about the Glazers for no apparent reason, and that's what you'll get now. Ferguson's monumental presence has been able to paper over the cracks but the whole club is held together by spit and glue. Reviled owners, massive debts, 40-year-old players and a highly fractured fanbase, half of them at FC United games the other half flying home to Thailand.


Most clubs have their Sky generation fans but the mancs are a Sky generation club, all of them unaccustomed to anything less than the best - and they're going to be dining on plenty of ashes from now on. Very few managers in the world will be able to deal with their demands, if any.


It's gonna be a hot time, in the old town, tonight.


Yup. I can't see it going any other way but this. May take a while but it's coming.


The fear among the mancs I've spoken to today is palpable. Brilliant stuff.

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