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The Foodie thread


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10 hours ago, Karl_b said:

You absolutely fucking tremendous cunt, come and cook my Christmas dinner will ya?


I was actually planning to do a leg of lamb this year. We have my folks coming and on Boxing Day we go to the in-laws for the full traditional dinner, so thought I'd mix it up. I got a look of horror from my Mum so now I'm doing turkey.


I did make a tagine with the leg of lamb I'd bought and stuck in the freezer, so there is that. It was the most tender meat I've ever cooked, absolutely sensational. I did it with some spiced and roasted beetroot, which were sweet and sticky and divine. Thanks Mum!

That sounds amazing! 

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13 hours ago, Karl_b said:

You absolutely fucking tremendous cunt, come and cook my Christmas dinner will ya?


I was actually planning to do a leg of lamb this year. We have my folks coming and on Boxing Day we go to the in-laws for the full traditional dinner, so thought I'd mix it up. I got a look of horror from my Mum so now I'm doing turkey.


I did make a tagine with the leg of lamb I'd bought and stuck in the freezer, so there is that. It was the most tender meat I've ever cooked, absolutely sensational. I did it with some spiced and roasted beetroot, which were sweet and sticky and divine. Thanks Mum!

Cooked in a tagine or just in a pot. I don't own a tagine and want to know if it makes a difference to the cooking?

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25 minutes ago, Bob said:

Cooked in a tagine or just in a pot. I don't own a tagine and want to know if it makes a difference to the cooking?


In a tagine (although I had to debone the leg to make it fit). It's effectively a slow cooker, with the advantage that it can be used on the hob or in the oven, which is helpful for thickening sauces up. I was bought ours as a gift, I don't use it that often but I do like it and it's a nice thing to put in the middle of the table for serving. We also have a (now quite old and in need of replacing) Dutch oven and to be honest, we probably don't need both. I'd say a decent Dutch oven would be just as good and more multifunctional. 

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1 hour ago, Lurtz said:


Can't stand carrot batons or rounds just plain. They have to be roasted or sautéed with a few herbs at least. 



What about cut into cubes and served mixed with peas, or ever also with sweetcorn?



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