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The Foodie thread


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On 14/07/2024 at 19:23, Bob said:

Went for the roast dinner I didn't manage to have last weekend and have been thinking about since. 


Best carvery anywhere, I'd wager. Anchor Inn, Whixley, near York.


Had gammon and pork and got about a million slices of each. Perfect crackling too.




Is that a pint of Monkey Wrench? Massive kudos if it is. Fucking amazing beer. If it's Blonde, not so much as their Blonde is some distance behind Saltaire's 



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Just now, Bruce Spanner said:

Butter milk soaked over night with a combination of spices, then dredged in corn flower using the same excess butter milk to help bind, seriously hot oil.


Sounds good but don't you have to balance the oil temperature so you don't burn the coating and have uncooked chicken? Or if it's too cool the coating soaks up too much oil and goes soggy. 

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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Butter milk soaked over night with a combination of spices, then dredged in corn flower using the same excess butter milk to help bind, seriously hot oil.


Also I'm guessing... sage, paprika, touch of ground coriander? 

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35 minutes ago, Lurtz said:


Is that a pint of Monkey Wrench? Massive kudos if it is. Fucking amazing beer. If it's Blonde, not so much as their Blonde is some distance behind Saltaire's 



It was blonde. And it was fine.

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4 minutes ago, Bob said:

It was blonde. And it was fine.


It's still very drinkable to be fair. If you ever get the opportunity, pay their brewery a visit. The surrounding countryside is stunning. 

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2 minutes ago, Lurtz said:


It's still very drinkable to be fair. If you ever get the opportunity, pay their brewery a visit. The surrounding countryside is stunning. 


Edit: Ignore that. I got it mixed up with Bradfield Brewery, set in the hills North West of Sheffield 

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43 minutes ago, Lurtz said:


Sounds good but don't you have to balance the oil temperature so you don't burn the coating and have uncooked chicken? Or if it's too cool the coating soaks up too much oil and goes soggy. 

It’s all good, you’re best bet is to fry until golden in hot oil and the stick in the oven at about 160 for fifteen, gets rid of the grease.


Spices -  Cayenne, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, oregano, ginger, basil.


A mix of the above and you’re golden.

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3 hours ago, Lurtz said:


It's still very drinkable to be fair. If you ever get the opportunity, pay their brewery a visit. The surrounding countryside is stunning. 

Where are they? Will defo keep an eye out.

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