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The Foodie thread


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On 08/04/2022 at 09:45, TheHowieLama said:

I am a caeser fanatic - make it at least 4 times a week. Got to go to the original Caeser's in Tijuana years ago. Good but the best I have had is here in Florida at Euphemia Haye.

Problem with using store bought mayo in it is those are full of soybean oil and added vinegars, unless you choose one of the olive oil versions it is outright blasphemy. Even then....


100th anniversary was the 4th.


On the occasion of its 100th birthday, you can find countless versions of the Caesar salad being consumed across the United States.


“This is an Italian salad,” Pilcher says. “Caesar Cardini, the inventor of the salad, was an Italian immigrant and there were many Italian immigrants to Mexico.”

Tijuana, built into a bustling border town by a mélange of people, including Mexicans, the Chinese and North Americans, had no distinctive indigenous cuisine in 1924, Pilcher says. During Prohibition, tourists flocked to its spas, bullfights and nightclubs, where they could enjoy perfectly legal cocktails.

Cardini’s original restaurant, on Avenida Revolución in downtown Tijuana, is still open for business. The original Caesar salad remains on the menu. As the story goes, the restaurant was overwhelmed by holiday partiers on that fateful July 4. They gobbled up everything but a few pantry staples: olive oil, Parmesan, egg, Worcestershire sauce and lettuce. Someone, perhaps Cardini or possibly his brother, scraped the provisions together into a big wooden bowl. Caesar’s salad was a hit.

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Easy mayo lads - 2 egg yolks, mix with a big lump of Dijon mustard, little bit of S&P, little drop of white wine vinegar and lemon juice, mix this up then very slowly poor in ground nut oil(very slowly) and as you add the oil, beat like fuck - we have a cheep electric whisker so I use that, it’s key to start adding the oil slowly, once it starts bulking out in volume, you can be a bit braver with adding the oil, then I mix to the taste I’m after, a bit mustard then whisk more, or lemon to loosen up.


Dead easy and a million times better than shop bought jar mayo, it lasts about a week to two, if kept in the fridge. 

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We’re going to Turkey in October (boys are 13 and 11), like fuck will we be eating out if that’s the case. 
 @lifetime fan

I Derailed the other thread on FF.

Look for places with smaller premises, you can get decent food at reasonable prices, or you can in Dalyan.

The turks eat in Lokantasi, cheap and nasty for me.

Food in  supermarkets is ok, Bim is the cheapest. If you use Migros buy a moneycard, 10tl i think, discounts food right down.

Fish in fish shops is quite cheap.

You may know all of the above?

We normally pay for the family first meal in Steakhouse there will be 10 of us this year so I doubt that will happen, be looking at 12000tl inc drinks!

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1 hour ago, DalyanPete said:

We’re going to Turkey in October (boys are 13 and 11), like fuck will we be eating out if that’s the case. 
 @lifetime fan

I Derailed the other thread on FF.

Look for places with smaller premises, you can get decent food at reasonable prices, or you can in Dalyan.

The turks eat in Lokantasi, cheap and nasty for me.

Food in  supermarkets is ok, Bim is the cheapest. If you use Migros buy a moneycard, 10tl i think, discounts food right down.

Fish in fish shops is quite cheap.

You may know all of the above?

We normally pay for the family first meal in Steakhouse there will be 10 of us this year so I doubt that will happen, be looking at 12000tl inc drinks!

We’re in an all inclusive in Marmaris mate so will just eat at the resort. 

They’ve a pizza oven there to keep the boys happy and then a couple of different themed restaurants as well I believe. 

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5 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

We’re in an all inclusive in Marmaris mate so will just eat at the resort. 

They’ve a pizza oven there to keep the boys happy and then a couple of different themed restaurants as well I believe. 

Great stuff, the way to go. The prices really are going to bite them in the arse next year I think.

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We got a decent price on the all inclusive, which was really nice. We only went out twice though because of the cost. Normally I don't expect a lot of the all inclusive and I get a bit stir crazy, so I do like to get out. Luckily the hotel was very good. 

@Barrington Womble 

I do myself Baz, but those days of going out every night are gone. Think most all inclusives in Turkey are good. Stayed in a couple in Antalya.

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36 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

Great stuff, the way to go. The prices really are going to bite them in the arse next year I think.

My ol fella was in Marmaris in May, they stayed in the sister hotel of where we’re going. Said the food was sound and they went to someplace local beginning with an S to get all the grandkids ‘designer’ tops or footy kits and were paying about a tenner a top. 

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1 hour ago, lifetime fan said:

My ol fella was in Marmaris in May, they stayed in the sister hotel of where we’re going. Said the food was sound and they went to someplace local beginning with an S to get all the grandkids ‘designer’ tops or footy kits and were paying about a tenner a top. 

Sounds like a great plan in place. Tops and hoodies seem to have stayed quite stable in price.

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Been at 2000 Trees festival from Thursday to this morning and had been thinking of these hot wings since last year.


Now I'll also be thinking of the bunnychow until next year.


Best festival food I've ever been party to. Sensational.




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12 minutes ago, Bob said:

Been at 2000 Trees festival from Thursday to this morning and had been thinking of these hot wings since last year.


Now I'll also be thinking of the bunnychow until next year.


Best festival food I've ever been party to. Sensational.




Second photo. Did you eat the head of the top first?

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Went for the roast dinner I didn't manage to have last weekend and have been thinking about since. 


Best carvery anywhere, I'd wager. Anchor Inn, Whixley, near York.


Had gammon and pork and got about a million slices of each. Perfect crackling too.



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