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The Foodie thread


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1 minute ago, Carvalho Diablo said:


All that's missing is the red bucket. Bravo sir, bravo.

That’s a carefully structured plate of dirty fries. Seasoned fries with cheese sauce carefully poured over then sprinkled with Smokey bacon lardons and garnished with pickled jalapeño and freshly chopped chives.


I would never disrespect such a dish by throwing it in your bucket of doom.



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44 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

How do you make crispy sweet potato fries like you get in some pubs?

Tried everything, dry them, fry them, roast them, air fry them, all come out like a limp dick.

Anyone had any success?

No. It does my fucking head in. Might need to get Lifey round with his dragon 

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49 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

How do you make crispy sweet potato fries like you get in some pubs?

Tried everything, dry them, fry them, roast them, air fry them, all come out like a limp dick.

Anyone had any success?

Toss them in rock salt to dehydrate them and then cover them in oil before putting them in a very hot oven.

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1 hour ago, DalyanPete said:

How do you make crispy sweet potato fries like you get in some pubs?

Tried everything, dry them, fry them, roast them, air fry them, all come out like a limp dick.

Anyone had any success?


49 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

No. It does my fucking head in. Might need to get Lifey round with his dragon 

Sweet potatoes are great but make shit fries. 

If you desperately wanna make them cover them in corn flour to get them crispy but you lose the taste in my opinion. 

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52 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:


Sweet potatoes are great but make shit fries. 

If you desperately wanna make them cover them in corn flour to get them crispy but you lose the taste in my opinion. 

Ah right and thanks. Only ever had crispy ones with a pub lunch. Could be what the pubs are doing.

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1 hour ago, TheHowieLama said:


Are you skipping the ice bath and par boiling steps?


Lifeys right - shake them in corn starch as well.

Think I've tried everything bar corn starch.

Don't get them that often here, saw them when I was searching for Jay the other day.

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