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The Foodie thread


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40 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

This was yesterdays veal for lunch in the city at Coq d’Argent which is famous/notorious for stressed bankers eating a boozy slap up lunch then committing suicide by jumping 100 foot of the terrace. 6 have done this so far. Nice meal though. Somebody else paid. I got the lift down and went back to the office hence this post. 


Looks very nice. Even nicer when you’re not paying.


As for the bankers, risking those below - as selfish in death as in life.

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1 hour ago, Captain Willard said:

This was yesterdays veal for lunch in the city at Coq d’Argent which is famous/notorious for stressed bankers eating a boozy slap up lunch then committing suicide by jumping 100 foot of the terrace. 6 have done this so far. Nice meal though. Somebody else paid. I got the lift down and went back to the office hence this post. 


It’s no wonder the bankers jumped.


Being served this without a Yorkshire Pudding and some peas would be enough to push anyone over the edge. 

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Imagine being a banker and rolling into that place after a joyous morning robbing the working man/woman.


”A fancy looking bit of baby cow garçon. Don’t be stingy with the petit pois and chuck on a couple of Yorkshire’s finest”.


”We don’t do batter products”.


Is it any wonder they jump!

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On 08/03/2022 at 12:52, neko said:

Yup - dill is a big part of Eastern Europe cuisine.


Had cabbage rolls and perogies at the local Ukrainian church on the weekend. Sour cream and dill all over that shit.



If it was a Ukrainian church then it should be called Varenyky, not Perogi which is the Polish name.



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16 minutes ago, Remmie said:

If it was a Ukrainian church then it should be called Varenyky, not Perogi which is the Polish name.



Indeed. You are correct.


Us non-Eastern European Canadians use the generic term Perogie.

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22 minutes ago, Remmie said:

If it was a Ukrainian church then it should be called Varenyky, not Perogi which is the Polish name.



You know what else is amazing...Babka.


Doesn't look like much other than stale, burnt bread with chocolate powder, but it's been my favorite dessert for a few years now.


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1 hour ago, neko said:

Indeed. You are correct.


Us non-Eastern European Canadians use the generic term Perogie.

Apologies for beiung a pedantic arse about it, I just couldn't let it go for some reason. I gotta try this Babka, sounds legit.

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1 minute ago, Remmie said:

Apologies for beiung a pedantic arse about it, I just couldn't let it go for some reason. I gotta try this Babka, sounds legit.

Fucking hell, I can’t believe the above was posted by Remmie, the king of the GF! Come on, mate, you’re better than that. Bollocks like that belongs in the Annoying Americanisms thread.



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15 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:

Fucking hell, I can’t believe the above was posted by Remmie, the king of the GF! Come on, mate, you’re better than that. Bollocks like that belongs in the Annoying Americanisms thread.



I didn't realise it was an Americanism, I am like totally going to wail on myself bro

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10 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

Back to our cheap local Italian with Mrs Willard for lunch. Calves liver with a 1/2 bottle Merlot followed by the tiramisu. 

One day this war will be over. 


Those glasses would hold half a bottle each.

Cheap and nasty plastic butter pat. Butter curls are so much more impressive and simple to do.


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