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Summer 2013 Transfer Thread


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Probably not worth pointing out for all the shit Ive had my way but for what we have spent (Minus £5m) I think we have done well, not sure about Alberto.

Cissie, Aspa, Mignolet is not a bad keeper, good deals. Not near enough to close the widening gap but decent, Adam, Downing, Carroll gone, only that turd Hendo remains from that period of mediocre tumour recruitment.

Still no DM, attack, attack, attack, give attack a chance but ok, on Rodgers head be it, lets crack on.


The owners are the problem lets be clear.

Henry lifting his head off his pile of charly long enough to ask what Arsenal are smoking notwithstanding.

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Wouldn't mind either of them tbh, although I think Yarmolenko is better



In what ways mate?


The reason I would prefer Konoplyanka is that he appears to be more of the "inside forward" type that we need, as well as being a bit more versatile.


Not that I would be at all unhappy with Yarmolenko like.

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In what ways mate?


The reason I would prefer Konoplyanka is that he appears to be more of the "inside forward" type that we need' date=' as well as being a bit more versatile.


Not that I would be at all unhappy with Yarmolenko like.[/quote']


I think he's more of a goal threat, more skilful and more end product. They're both good players but I prefer Yarmo.

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Don't know much about Yarmalenko, so just read up on him here-


Euro 2012: Ukraine profile – Andriy Yarmolenko | Igor Boyko, Aleksey Ivanov and Yuriy Shevchenko | Football | The Guardian


You can fuck you Mickeyteryannes, your Costa's & Willians off. This is the man. The club has played a blinder here, publicly court other players so other clubs come in. Throw Spurs a red herring in Willian, they bite, think theyre being cute by taking him away from under us. Soon as that deal is signed off, bang, this is the man we wanted all the way. We were just biding our time until them twats had finished spending, so fuck you Spurs. Tactics.


The quality of writing in the Guardian really has gone downhill. And a tad biased into the bargain.

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Couple of things.


Blame me for the Mhyktaryan and Willian deals going south, Every fucking time I hear of a possible marquee signing, I watch loads of You Tube vids, get my hopes up and then they sign for someone else. But no more!


If Suarez stays, what are the odds on when someone from LFC will claim it as just like a new signing?


Did Ian Ayre say at some point, that LFC can still atrract the best fottballers in the world without European foorball? How's that working out - has anyone called him out on it yet?


That's it.

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