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Summer 2013 Transfer Thread


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Probably not as much as it cost us.


Maybe I'm not 'getting it' but having him signing three of our recent highest earners (and two of our highest transfer fees) says more about us than him.


Good point, but what I am trying to say is he is buying our "average" quality, high earning players.


Would they get the same money over there?

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Good point' date=' but what I am trying to say is he is buying our "average" quality, high earning players.


Would they get the same money over there?[/quote']


I assume not but then again, I don't think West Ham are as poor as may seem - especially with the new stadium.


It's just sad because everybody could see they were West Ham level players before they signed for us. Oh well, what's happened has happened.

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Just checked for Muriel and according to Metro, our scouts along with scouts from Utd and Barca watched him as Udinese played Siroki Brijeg in a europa qualifier a few nights ago.


No idea if that's bullshit or not of course. Another site says that the Italian paper Tutto Mercato said the same thing.

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I'm worried too as we only have three more weeks left till the transfer window closes. we bought players from sales and we still have to witness marquee players that rogers have been banging about.


I believe we have concluded our summer transfer dealings and with what we have I dot see any improvement going into the new season.

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