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Guest LFD

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You have made some big assumptions there fella. Good luck to your "cause".


Did someone at some point tell you or insinuate that you're in some way clever?


Because they were very fucking wrong.


Your stream of conciousness bullshit and confused ramblings I was OK with, skimming mainly off the top of my swede but now you've gone full on pointless.


My 'cause' is supporting a football club. It's very straightforward but you wanna complicate matters and for no apparent reason at all. You pay for the privilege of negging and playing internet smartypants, I pay for the privilege of following this football club. If you wanna bang the FSG drum because you feel some sort of affiliation knowing you're born in the same country as them then keep that where it's relevant. If the idea of you now being a member on this site somehow elevates you in a discussion then I'm sorry to burst your bubble. The rabble of happy clappers in this thread with their little names showing up in gold have offered nothing in the way of detail, just deluded superfan shouting and a lot of backslapping. They've managed to make Xerxes look sane and reasonable. His post was on the nose. Other than that I don't like what I'm reading, it's bullshit that many of our fans are so yellow bellied, easily led and so easily pleased.


Give it a rest? No, I wont, you self centred fuck. I'm gonna express my frustration and this cake is layered.


How's about them apples.

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Missing the point? No wonder, you're about as lucid as pigshit.


Are you merchandised up? Does that feed your 'knowledge'?


It's a societal thing but then there are those who manage to buck the trend with the right awareness and desire to act.

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This is like pulling teeth. What point am I missing, dear? You're not very clear with the points you make, you see.


So you fly over often, do you? Or just the odd occasion?


Yeah, as I clearly stated I'm frustrated at a number of things. Nothing more, nothing less? What? I don't even ...

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Just the good games - oh, and the weather, only nice - cold...no. Also only at home, unless away somewhere nice in Europe - not Eastern either. Or Manchester - lots of bitches.


As for the last bit - like everyone else only without the finger pointing. If you do want to point the finger, look for a Moores - they have your money.

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You're gonna be a good little corporate fascist and get in line. Or more like you're a billy bullshitter.


Doesn't expect a say, posts on LFC internet forum.


The LFC I know, the city I've grown up in ... etc


*beats chest*


Quest - sounds magical. The socialism I believe in ...

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Coro off on one. Again.


The irony is fantastic.


Angry, repetitive cunt.


I bet he's got Velcro strapped shoes.


Here's the forum commentator doing what he does worst.




Told ya, we'll have a bevvy and I'll show you me clarks. Belters.

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Ah diddums.


What's a disgrace? The fact that I thought FSG should be held to the same standards they demand of others? Or the fact that I objected to them making the club's greatest living servant look like a complete cunt in front of the entire country?


Its just well over the top. I can appreciate at the time moods were different and many felt they had to stand by Kenny whatever he did but having a thread with that title on Liverpool site comes accross as laughably hysterical.


Considering how they've been since, the goods far outweigh the bads for me and they deserve more credit than that.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
I think some people are not reading the title of the thread properly!


It isn't an argument to absolve FSG of criticism' date=' or previous shortcomings or errors - it is to give them some credit for the good that they have done.[/quote']


When the agenda is to paint them as utter buffoons, and respond to every positive with, 'that doesn't count', I don't think they're interested.


Fortunately, people seem to be offering a much more balanced view in general, so there's no real need to engage with the entrenched few.

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When the agenda is to paint them as utter buffoons, and respond to every positive with, 'that doesn't count', I don't think they're interested.


Fortunately, people seem to be offering a much more balanced view in general, so there's no real need to engage with the entrenched few.


I realise that - and have seen it time and time again - I suspect the next big shift is the stadium, I am personally quite positive on this, so if there is concrete progress on that front as well - then a lot of the earlier criticism is rendered moot.

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Oh, look I've opened up the floor for the likes of Major Tom to excel in what they do best on this here internet. My bad. Casual observers all over the show.


Controversial? Surprised and frustrated at how low standards have slipped from boardroom to terrace. If that's being controversial then blimey days.


Those quick to wade in with 'credit' hardly speak about specifics and gloss over the botch ups we've seen from FSG.


When the agenda is to paint them as utter buffoons, and respond to every positive with, 'that doesn't count', I don't think they're interested.


Fortunately, people seem to be offering a much more balanced view in general, so there's no real need to engage with the entrenched few.


With you it's all about keeping up appearances. You like to give the impression you know better but offer very little in the way of substance, even less so when faced with details. You've ingratiated yourself well enough, you flirt with your e friends and look for reassurance when things get a bit tricky. Means a lot to you this forum, doesn't it.


Entrenched? Do you really lack this badly in self awareness? Do you forget what you post from one day to the next?


Again, I'm happy to remind you about one instance where you described H&G as a meaningless excuse when it came to considering the wider context whilst Dalglish was in charge. That's just one instance, the most memorable from you showing just how badly you've lacked in objectivity and how well you've done to ignore so many nuances. Nice words, eh.


I'm happy to refer you to Xerxes' post or Kevin D's which you and others have thus far done well to ignore.


I'd like to know what these businessmen have done to enjoy so much benefit of the doubt. What is it in their credentials that has convinced people to either turn a blind eye to or gloss over the frequent displays of incompetence?


Give them credit when we make it through a calendar year without some sort of PR fuck up or them shelving yet another strategy. Give them credit when we start to see actual progress on the field and when supporters aren't being treated like idiots. Do you people enjoy being treated like idiots? Ian Ayre says it was good that we have played half a season depending on one recognised striker and you people lap it up. The manager is now openly playing politics to get better backing in the transfer market, you'll cheer him on but you don't know why. Absolutely he needs to grow into a Liverpool manager and wrestle away responsibility from these clueless entities that seek cover behind his position.


You want to give them credit, go ahead credit them for being good businessmen who wont make a loss but don't be surprised if people mock and resist such delusion, people who have given up their STs, people who are walking away from LFC because their club becomes all the more unrecognisable.


The report on FSg that was posted on RAWK was also well avoided, I have to say.


Objectivity, you're having a laugh.

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