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Isn't it about time for us to give these guys some credit?


They have spent £20 million in January. Add that to the other £30 million Rodgers spent in summer.


They backed Dalglish as he had a lot of money to spend, even if we got a lot back from sales from Torres.


They are giving the managers funds and that's what we wanted, if we don't spend those funds wisely that's not their fault as we want the managers to buy the players they want and that's what they are allowing to happen.


All these funds also have come when we haven't had Champs League Football.


We have also had to pay off flops like Cole, Degen, Aquilani, Jovanovic etc.


We have also given long term contracts and presumably pay rises / signing on fees to Shelvey, Sterling, Suso, Suarez, Skrtel and Agger.


Add to that they saved us from Hicks / Gillett, administration and have removed the majority of the debt off the club.


They haven't been perfect, for example Comolli and Chang appointments haven't worked out. I also didn't like the way they treated Dalglish at the end of last season.


But overall I think they are doing a good job and don't deserve all the shit they have got from our fans. They are our owners and despite some mistakes, I think they are doing more right than wrong.


I also like what they are doing with the stadium, as I wanted us to stay at Anfield and they are trying to make that happen. It is taking time, but they have said why it is taking time, due to having to purchase all the property and land around Anfield. They need to ensure they complete this project, but I think they are on the right lines.


I think it is about time we got off the owners backs and actually gave FSG some credit for a change!

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A fair post. Ive been critical of a few things from them in recent times, and I can't say I'm happy that they've been all but absent from Anfield over the past 6months. But I always felt January was a massive month towards revealing their intentions for the club. They've backed the manager to the tune of 20m which may well increase over the next 24hours, so fair play to them for that.


I don't actually think they're in it for the wrong reasons and I believe their intentions are honest. However they've been massively hampered by their inability to appoint an experienced footballing operator to run the club from the very top, and the various incompetencies and PR disasters which have followed us in the last couple of years are as a result of that.

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Agree aswell, money wise no sane person can complain that the managers haven't been backed, its just a damn shame that most of its been spunked up the wall by both managers.


I was confident they would back Rodgers this Jan, they didn't really have a choice,the summer will be huge, they will back him and he'll get a decent wedge, just hope its spent wisely, no more Joe Allen type signings.

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I don't think either FSG or Rodgers are the right people for the jobs they are in. They will both keep us at the level we are at now, upper mid table, however I worry even that won't last forever once Gerrard retires, and Suarez inevitably moves on.


It's ok saying we're building for the future, but what about the present?

The way we are going we will end up just becoming a selling club, some would argue we already are.


We need a big investment in players that can come in straight away and improve our team. Not players that can't get in Chelsea's team or Inter Milans team, but players clubs

don't want to sell.


Unfortunately this takes the sort of money we don't have, which means we will languish where we are for the foreseeable future, especially because we have a manager who seems to have no knowledge of European leagues. Even Newcastle and Swansea are making better recruitments than us, with smaller budgets!!


In my opinion we are just making the same mistakes all over again albeit on a smaller scale, and without risk of the club going under.

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They haven't completely fucked anything up since Jen Chang, but I've got my eye on them.


Basically my opinion has mellowed on them. I now think they are incompetents, but not actually evil.


There's some credit.


Pretty much my view of them. Fucking clueless but will do what they need to protect their investment.

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I don't think either FSG or Rodgers are the right people for the jobs they are in. They will both keep us at the level we are at now, upper mid table, however I worry even that won't last forever once Gerrard retires, and Suarez inevitably moves on.


It's ok saying we're building for the future, but what about the present?

The way we are going we will end up just becoming a selling club, some would argue we already are.


We need a big investment in players that can come in straight away and improve our team. Not players that can't get in Chelsea's team or Inter Milans team, but players clubs

don't want to sell.


Unfortunately this takes the sort of money we don't have, which means we will languish where we are for the foreseeable future, especially because we have a manager who seems to have no knowledge of European leagues. Even Newcastle and Swansea are making better recruitments than us, with smaller budgets!!


In my opinion we are just making the same mistakes all over again albeit on a smaller scale, and without risk of the club going under.


FSG arent in a job like Rodgers,they are the people who own the club.They arent appointed to their job they are the ones who bailed the club out of possibly bankruptcy.


You are talking as though you want a rich Arab or Russian billionnaire but that simply isnt going to happen for the foreseeable future and probably wouldnt be very sustainable in the long term.


They are doing well but I hope the non signing of anybody over their late twenties is not a policy set in stone.

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Isn't it about time for us to give these guys some credit?


They have spent £20 million in January. Add that to the other £30 million Rodgers spent in summer.


They backed Dalglish as he had a lot of money to spend, even if we got a lot back from sales from Torres.


They are giving the managers funds and that's what we wanted, if we don't spend those funds wisely that's not their fault as we want the managers to buy the players they want and that's what they are allowing to happen.


All these funds also have come when we haven't had Champs League Football.


We have also had to pay off flops like Cole, Degen, Aquilani, Jovanovic etc.


We have also given long term contracts and presumably pay rises / signing on fees to Shelvey, Sterling, Suso, Suarez, Skrtel and Agger.


Add to that they saved us from Hicks / Gillett, administration and have removed the majority of the debt off the club.


They haven't been perfect, for example Comolli and Chang appointments haven't worked out. I also didn't like the way they treated Dalglish at the end of last season.


But overall I think they are doing a good job and don't deserve all the shit they have got from our fans. They are our owners and despite some mistakes, I think they are doing more right than wrong.


I also like what they are doing with the stadium, as I wanted us to stay at Anfield and they are trying to make that happen. It is taking time, but they have said why it is taking time, due to having to purchase all the property and land around Anfield. They need to ensure they complete this project, but I think they are on the right lines.


I think it is about time we got off the owners backs and actually gave FSG some credit for a change!


Fuck off you thick mule.

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FSG arent in a job like Rodgers,they are the people who own the club.They arent appointed to their job they are the ones who bailed the club out of possibly bankruptcy.


You are talking as though you want a rich Arab or Russian billionnaire but that simply isnt going to happen for the foreseeable future and probably wouldnt be very sustainable in the long term.


They are doing well but I hope the non signing of anybody over their late twenties is not a policy set in stone.


When people say they bailed the club out, it makes it sound like they were the only offer on the table. They weren't, although they were perhaps the best of a bad bunch.


I don't even think we need a rich billionnaire, but I think our policy has been wrong so far. It wouldn't be sustainable, but it wouldn't have to be. We are investing heavily in youth team players, so surely these kids coming through should be for our future, rather than the likes of Coutinho, Allen and Borini?


I don't see the point in signing Coutinho, when we already have Sterling and Jordan Ibe, for Allen we already have Henderson, we seem to have adopted a scatter gun approach, rather than focusing on what we actually need now.


We need a leader at the back, A Carragher version 2. Very difficult to find, but a vocal commanding presence.


We need a versatile flair player, somebody who can play wide or behind the striker, who can create a bit of magic, a match winner. Santi Carzola was available for £15 million, although I'm not sure if he'd have come here. Possibly under a different manager?


We need a big powerhouse midfielder. Diame was on the verge of signing allegedly, and would have been fantastic on a free. In the Premiership, sometimes you need a bit of height and muscle, and we lack that type of player here.


I think at the moment we're not that far away from being top four again, but the longer we stay away, the harder it will be to get back.

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I disagree with virtually your entire assessment of the situation, but I would say that the money they've spent in this window has been a major surprise to me. However, the context has to be looked at and that context was an outlandish decision in August, which all but detonated our season before it started.

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