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North Korea gettin' all Gangnam up in this bitch.


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Guest Pistonbroke

He absolutely will attack somebody before the next election. That’s how he holds on to power.


Let's hope it is just via his Twatter account mate, although it seems quite clear he wants to be added to the long list of US Presidents to have started a War. He even said "As Americans we are desperate to win a War," or words to that effect. 

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Let's hope it is just via his Twatter account mate, although it seems quite clear he wants to be added to the long list of US Presidents to have started a War. He even said "As Americans we are desperate to win a War," or words to that effect.

I can't see him not going to war with North Korea. If not, it'll be in the Midddle East again. I'd bet my bollocks to a barn dance.

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Why can't the cunt keep it toned down, he's just imflaming shit. The man is a businessman, you don't do what he's done and be that successful without being a bit of a cunt, a bully, a proper hard nosed businessman. Unfortunately these traits don't carry over to being President of America. Diplomacy is needed here, not giving the big bollocks. The twat.

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Jesus. He's fucking hideous at times, but that's what a lot of Americans want to hear. They want to hear 'we're the big boys in this playground. Sort your shit out or we will fuck you up'.




He is a fat orange retard with the brain of a spoilt child, He is incapable of understanding the issues and keeping his cool, Its now reached the point where no one takes a thing he says seriously including including the loon in Pyonyang  

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He said: “Action is the best option in treating the dotard who, hard of hearing, is uttering only what he wants to say.” Later in the same statement, he uses the word again, declaring: “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire.”


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