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North Korea gettin' all Gangnam up in this bitch.


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Guest Pistonbroke

China, Pakistan and Israel too.


Yep, also Russia. Italy, Belgium, Holland and Turkey also  share a weapons programme with Germany. in fact all those countries who we have mentioned have never started a war, no Siree. 

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Thinking about the whole situation with North Korea I don't see a good ending. Arguably the best chance is dialogue and massive aid to North Korea to dissuade them from pursuing a military strike. It probably won't work but it should be tried.


America has form for a preemptive strike in the name of peace, or less deaths, but in this situation I don't know what that would be. North Korea has so many conventional weapons, with many tucked in the mountains and sheltered in caves and so on, that they would manage to fire enough down on Seoul to cause massive damage even if America struck first.


It's not about North Korea 'winning' as they can't. It's about preventing of limiting the damage they could do, and I don't see any good options, whether America strikes first or second.


The whole thing is mad.


It's mad from our perspective but it a high risk poker game could pay dividends for the North Korean dictator,  He will extract a very high price from the Americans to give up nuclear weapons, A fully nuclear armed N Korea with functioning ICBM;s can't be allowed to happen and I think in the end they will end up paying a big ransom to get it put on hold, The danger in all this ,other than the obvious risk that it could kick off in error is that it will encourage others will see the strategy as working and seek to get nukes of their own, 

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I love watching documentaries about WW2. It's gonna be fascinating to live through this next one. I'm not fit for service and I live in a part of the country where all your kids will be sent to stay out of the way of the bombings so feel free to drop me a PM and let me know what they like eating for their tea and stuff.

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I love watching documentaries about WW2. It's gonna be fascinating to live through this next one. I'm not fit for service and I live in a part of the country where all your kids will be sent to stay out of the way of the bombings so feel free to drop me a PM and let me know what they like eating for their tea and stuff.

Think of all the clunge you'll get while the rest of us are taking fire in Leningrad. My IBS will keep me off the front lines though I'm fairly certain, as will the fact I'm shit at everything.
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Think of all the clunge you'll get while the rest of us are taking fire in Leningrad. My IBS will keep me off the front lines though I'm fairly certain, as will the fact I'm shit at everything.

As if you're getting off that easily. This will be a politically correct 21st century world war. When the beaches get stormed the main priorities to bring ashore will be men, artillery, portaloos and smoking shelters.

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I love watching documentaries about WW2. It's gonna be fascinating to live through this next one. I'm not fit for service and I live in a part of the country where all your kids will be sent to stay out of the way of the bombings so feel free to drop me a PM and let me know what they like eating for their tea and stuff.



Think of all the clunge you'll get while the rest of us are taking fire in Leningrad. My IBS will keep me off the front lines though I'm fairly certain, as will the fact I'm shit at everything.


Listen to the fucking pair of you, man the fuck up will you, these are desperate times.


*grabs knee*


*falls to floor*


ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH my knee, it's gone, it's gone.


*looks around*



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A lot of negativity going around about Kim, but for me, he's setting a fantastic example to all you young un's out there, on the correct procedure for setting off fireworks. Stand well back and light at arms length.

To be fair anyone in his position would be doing exactly the same, bearing in mind the leaders of the last two regimes the yanks didn't like, one was hung and the latter pulled from a sewer, shot in the head and sodomized with a gun.


Nukes do tend to give one's larger enemies a moment of pause.

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To be fair anyone in his position would be doing exactly the same, bearing in mind the leaders of the last two regimes the yanks didn't like, one was hung and the latter pulled from a sewer, shot in the head and sodomized with a gun.


Nukes do tend to give one's larger enemies a moment of pause.



There is that. As do the Chinese.  

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North Korea vowed not to have nuclear weapons but the imperial bully US's continued aggression and threats to decimate have forced it to build nukes.


No one forced them and it's pretty clear it's been their end game for decades despite various talks and promises over the years

I'm no fan of US foreign policy but I'm even less of a fan of military dictatorships

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Why does North Korea have the hump with Japan? Is this to do with Japan's occupation of Korea back in the day? South Korea isn't anywhere near as hostile towards Japan so what's the North's beef?

I wonder how things would play out if America left the Korean peninsula. We've all been led to believe America is there to protect South Korea and the North and China will invade as soon as the yanks went home. This isn't the 50s and the Cold War is over. Are we so sure things would be worse if the USA left South Korea to their own devices? Without the massive US military presence, N Korea might just calm the fuck down.

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