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North Korea gettin' all Gangnam up in this bitch.


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I don't know why the yanks don't just invade now and get it over and done with.


We all know it's going to happen so they may as well stop fucking about and just do it. 


I think the deaths of hundreds of thousands of South Koreans and US civilians and servicemen combined with an absolutely gigantic humanitarian crisis and inflaming of tensions with China may be holding even the most idiotic of the Neo-cons who are now staffing Trumps White house back.

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You're working on the assumption of someone who is capable of a considered opinion being in charge rather than an orange lunatic who behaves like a small child. 


I'd be very surprised if the the yanks are going in there one way or another, it's more a case of when not if. 


The problem is that North Korea have the US by the short and curlies. The US and the UN can't do anything militarily until North Korea take the first major step into war.

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I don't know why the yanks don't just invade now and get it over and done with.


We all know it's going to happen so they may as well stop fucking about and just do it.

Wasn't trumps main plan to not send troops to foreign countries to did bug instead keep the USA safe by targeting foreigners inside the USA?
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The problem is that North Korea have the US by the short and curlies. The US and the UN can't do anything militarily until North Korea take the first major step into war.


Indeed, I'm sure the USA would never consider ignoring the UN and just attacking somewhere anyway or conducting any kind of war which could be construed as illegal.


Wasn't trumps main plan to not send troops to foreign countries to did bug instead keep the USA safe by targeting foreigners inside the USA?


Trump? Plan?  He just spouts whatever random bullshit comes into his head and hopes for the best. 


He also said he was going to unleash "fire and fury" if the Koreans don't calm down. 


To be fair he has massive form for lying, so maybe he has no intention. Or maybe he wakes up one morning and someone on Fox says he should so he thinks fuck it and goes for it.

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Indeed, I'm sure the USA would never consider ignoring the UN and just attacking somewhere anyway or conducting any kind of war which could be construed as illegal.



Trump? Plan?  He just spouts whatever random bullshit comes into his head and hopes for the best. 


He also said he was going to unleash "fire and fury" if the Koreans don't calm down. 


To be fair he has massive form for lying, so maybe he has no intention. Or maybe he wakes up one morning and someone on Fox says he should so he thinks fuck it and goes for it.


The legality of it isn't the problem. The removing of Seoul off the face of the earth by a massive artillery barrage is the problem. How do you propose the US prevent that when they start the war?

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I'm not for one second saying I think it's a good idea or know the ramifications of it all, but it's fucking obvious where this is going.


If he keeps provoking and Trump keeps on with the "fire and fury" rhetoric it cannot go any other way. It's a case of when not if.


Seriously do any of you think that's not where this is heading?

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I'm not for one second saying I think it's a good idea or know the ramifications of it all, but it's fucking obvious where this is going.


If he keeps provoking and Trump keeps on with the "fire and fury" rhetoric it cannot go any other way. It's a case of when not if.


Seriously do any of you think that's not where this is heading?

I'd imagine the US could knock out the facilities with conventional weapons and make it clear any attempt to rebuild them would result in the same happen again. Problem is an overt act like that pisses off Russia and China.

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I'd imagine the US could knock out the facilities with conventional weapons and make it clear any attempt to rebuild them would result in the same happen again. Problem is an overt act like that pisses off Russia and China.

One does not simply bomb North Korea and warn them not to behave a certain way! Seoul will be fucked. Americans in the area will be literally bombarded. Rockets all over the place. It's war to the max or it's nothing. If it was as easy as throwing a few bombs around, they'd have done it long before now.

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One does not simply bomb North Korea and warn them not to behave a certain way! Seoul will be fucked. Americans in the area will be literally bombarded. Rockets all over the place. It's war to the max or it's nothing. If it was as easy as throwing a few bombs around, they'd have done it long before now.

You think the US wouldn't sacrifice Seoul now they are in range of an ICBM?

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You think the US wouldn't sacrifice Seoul now they are in range of an ICBM?

I think they wouldn't sacrifice Seoul for a half assed strike. I think they would go in very strongly. They are an unstoppable force, the Americans, when it comes to conventional warfare. They would seek complete regime change. They wouldn't piss about, I don't think. They know the consequences for that.

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I don't think they would start a war knowing that Seoul would be destroyed.


Responding to an attack would be a different matter. That's why NK haven't attacked Guam.

Yeah, NK know exactly what will happen if they attack the US (or Japan, or South Korea). The massive strength of the US military is impressive, as is the size, but what really sets them apart is their ability to be anywhere in the world at relatively awesome strength within a matter of hours. They are a logistical beast. They are the strongest power in the region without even moving anything. They have the 31st MEU (Marine Expeditionary Force) in Japan already, and the USMC are not to be fucked with, that's without talking about USAF and US Navy. Fuck that. Their military works together very well, too. There's no doubt they have a few dolts in the US Army, but they are a truly awesome force. NK would be on fire, and I don't think Bush or, to a lesser extend, General Mattis (who is a proper beast, btw) give two fucks in the way Obama or even Bush did. Their playbook is... try us and see what happens.

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I think they wouldn't sacrifice Seoul for a half assed strike. I think they would go in very strongly. They are an unstoppable force, the Americans, when it comes to conventional warfare. They would seek complete regime change. They wouldn't piss about, I don't think. They know the consequences for that.


I think they would need to know how China would react before they did anything.


I'm not sure that all of the N K nukes can be taken out by surgical strikes. Only one needs to be missed for a nuclear attack on Seoul or Tokyo (or even the US) to happen.  

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I think they would need to know how China would react before they did anything.

It'd certainly be a factor in NK's thinking, mate. That said, China, as much as they like having a buffer between US/allies and their border, absolutely aren't going to go to war over North Korea. There are many trillions of reasons why not. Most of those are dollars, but they'd also be obliterated and it would cause world war three. So their choice would be between total annihilation, billions of dead people, or NK having a McDonald's.
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Thinking about the whole situation with North Korea I don't see a good ending. Arguably the best chance is dialogue and massive aid to North Korea to dissuade them from pursuing a military strike. It probably won't work but it should be tried.


America has form for a preemptive strike in the name of peace, or less deaths, but in this situation I don't know what that would be. North Korea has so many conventional weapons, with many tucked in the mountains and sheltered in caves and so on, that they would manage to fire enough down on Seoul to cause massive damage even if America struck first.


It's not about North Korea 'winning' as they can't. It's about preventing of limiting the damage they could do, and I don't see any good options, whether America strikes first or second.


The whole thing is mad.

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