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13 minutes ago, Lurtz said:

Tiddley was awful. I wish he'd stay retired the hysterical tit. 


He was glowing about us in the early part of the match, far more do than Drury or Tyler ever did, but then Newcastle were on top so they had to reflect that a bit. They also pointed out that Gordon hadn't been touched for 2 of the bookings which was unusual.


Not you specifically, Lurtzy, but some posters wouldn't be happy unless Les Lawson and Steve Hunter were on comms.

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1 hour ago, sir roger said:


He was glowing about us in the early part of the match, far more do than Drury or Tyler ever did, but then Newcastle were on top so they had to reflect that a bit. They also pointed out that Gordon hadn't been touched for 2 of the bookings which was unusual.


Not you specifically, Lurtzy, but some posters wouldn't be happy unless Les Lawson and Steve Hunter were on comms.


To be fair I'd sooner listen to Clive Dunn. 

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9 minutes ago, No2 said:

Micah Richards put on a masterclass in stupidity yesterday. His defence of Marcus Rashford had to be seen to be believed. How can he be expected to work hard when he's under so much pressure and he's had 3 different managers. 

id dont buy this clown persona argument

he is just a fucking moron

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On 05/12/2024 at 22:08, Vincent Vega said:

Does Neville have no self awareness of just how embarrassing he is?


And is there nothing Carragher won’t do to make a tit of himself? Sitting there in a fucking Manc shirt watching the football on the tv. 

This is not “great bants”, it’s just a 100% unadulterated cringe fest. 

No Liverpool fan with an ounce of self respect puts on that shirt . He’s a clown.

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On 16/12/2024 at 10:08, No2 said:

Micah Richards put on a masterclass in stupidity yesterday. His defence of Marcus Rashford had to be seen to be believed. How can he be expected to work hard when he's under so much pressure and he's had 3 different managers. 


Every couple of years or so, Rashford will decide to put some effort in and go on a run of form that persuades the club to hand him a new improved contract. Once that's sorted, he's back to playing like he doesn't give a shit. And has the money to go and buy any car, which is probably why 'Big Meeks' sympathises.

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