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Just copied Johnny H rules from last year


Rules are –


1) Each contestant must pick ten celebrities who they think will die in the calendar year 2012-2013 (starts at 00:01 GMT on the 15th of Jan 2013 and ends 23:59 GMT 31st Dec 2013) The picks are FINAL.


2) On the death of a celebrity on a contestant’s list, ten points will be awarded. The contestant will then be able to choose a new celebrity for their list.


3) If the chosen celebrity is under the age of 50 then this persons death is worth 20 points. Again, once this person dies, they can replace him/her with a new celebrity.


4) A celebrity is defined as a person who lives their life in the public domain. If we have not heard of them then we can reject them


5) Death row prisoners and people in public “right to die” cases are not permitted.


6) There is a 48 hour cooling off period for any person added to a death list so that the management can make sure said person hasn’t just died in the last day.


7 ) At least two of your 10 entries must be sub 50 (i.e. 49 or below) and one must be sub 30 (29 or below) at all times. If they reach 50 or 30 during the year, then you must change them or lose all points should they snuff it after hitting 50 or 30.


8.) All entries must be in by the 15 January 2013




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Making it minutely more difficult for someone to copy me.

Under 30 - Lewis Hamilton

Under 50 - Kurt Angle
Under 50 - Charlie Sheen

Jake La Motta
Nigel Lawson
George Bush Snr
Chuck Yeager
Nelson Mandela
Terry Pratchett
Vera Lynn
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Is there a 'Guess the date someone will definitely die cos they're close to snuffing it anyway' round?


I don't know anyone that is that certain to snuff it.

If anyone had a suggestion add it and ill add it in.

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Guest davelfc

1. Thatcher

2. Kirk Douglas

3. George Bush Snr

3. Ronnie Biggs

4. Clive James

5. Denis Healey

6. James Garner

7. Hugo Chavez


8. Rihanna (under 30)


9. Courtney Love (under 50)

10. Lindsay Lohan (under someone)

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1. The queen

2. nelson mandela

3. Alex Ferguson

4. Christopher Lee (unfortunately)

5. mike tyson (under 50)

6. Lindsay lohan (under 30)

7. Fidel Castro

8. Jake LaMotta

9. Hillary clinton

10. John Macafee (under 50) (murdered)




For the fun of it, George Bush Sr. will dance with the devil on the 02 Feb 2013

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Julian Assange

Fidel Castro

Jimmy Carter

Abe Vigoda

Prince Philip


Hugo Chavez

Charlie Sheen - Under 50

Paul Gascoigne - Under 50

Lady Gaga will top herself to join the 27 club. Ergo, under 30.


Bush Sr will die on 22nd November.

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Over 50

Kirk Douglas

Ronnie Biggs


George bush snr

Clive James

Henry Cecil

Hugo Chavez


Under 50

Catherine Zeta Jones

Joost Van Der Westhuizen


Under 30

Chris Brown


Just seen the George bush snr is this years gibb.

I reckon he'll go 1st of February, and replace him with Zsa Zsa Gabor in my list, apologies for confusion

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Making it minutely more difficult for someone to copy me.


Under 30 - Lewis Hamilton


Under 50 - Kurt Angle

Under 50 - Charlie Sheen


George Bush Snr will kick the bucket 12/06/2013 (his birthday)


Jake La Motta

Nigel Lawson

Chuck Yeager

Nelson Mandela

Terry Pratchett

Vera Lynn

Stephen Hawking

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Over 50

Kirk Douglas

Ronnie Biggs


George bush snr

Clive James

Henry Cecil

Hugo Chavez


Under 50

Catherine Zeta Jones

Joost Van Der Westhuizen


Under 30

Chris Brown

Fair play, you've clearly done your research on one of the names there, good spot.
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