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Just as long as he doesn't describe it as a magnificent performance. No defeat is magnificent. I do wonder if our manager assumes that style points are awarded at the end of the season rendering the requirement to actually win a match secondary?


That's exactly what he will say.

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3 wins out of 14, sorry but that is fucking unacceptable. Just read RAWK and cannot believe the positivity on there. Cannot believe how our fanbase accepts mediocrity these days. Just looked at the table, did not realise we were only 4 points above the relegation zone. 3 of the next 4 games at home against Southampton, Villa and Fulham. Nothing less than 3 wins is required. Fucking shite.

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Hey lay off Henderson everyone , hes a really good presser.


We lost that game before a ball was kicked with that team selection , we did show some fight and tempo which should be the bare minimum for a Liverpool team anyway , pretty unlucky in the end.


We need this Gypsy curse lifted though when it comes to scoring goals.

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let say we finish below tenth, do we honestly believe we can sign quality players who can make a vast improvement because since 2010 we have been on a decline especially last season till now i dont see any improvment.


Yes we might play like barcelona and have plenty of posession but end of 90 minutes, what counts is how many goals we have scored.


I dont think we can put up like this next season because for me this season is already written off and wasted.Lets see what happens in the next three games

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Rodgers must have an ironclad promise he won't be sacked no matter what. 4 points off relegation should start revving some motors somewhere. Have the owners been to even one match this season?


What the fuck did Rodgers see against Swansea to set out the same side against a better team at home?


Trevor Francis was doing the commentary on the feed I was watching. Near the end he questioned why we didn't send either Skrtel or Agger forward to join Suarez, who was alone the whole match. Beats me. Fuck, at the end I was wishing we had Carroll to send on.

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let say we finish below tenth, do we honestly believe we can sign quality players who can make a vast improvement because since 2010 we have been on a decline especially last season till now i dont see any improvment.


Yes we might play like barcelona and have plenty of posession but end of 90 minutes, what counts is how many goals we have scored.


I dont think we can put up like this next season because for me this season is already written off and wasted.Lets see what happens in the next three games


It's based on the theory of us apparently needing to take a huge leap backwards whilst our manager works his magic or learns on the job depending on your point of view.


In reality we've been a team in decline for four years on the pitch and a significant step backwards in the league this season will make it even harder for Rodgers to deliver next summer especially given our owners new found love for 'organic growth'.

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3 wins out of 14, sorry but that is fucking unacceptable. Just read RAWK and cannot believe the positivity on there. Cannot believe how our fanbase accepts mediocrity these days. Just looked at the table, did not realise we were only 4 points above the relegation zone. 3 of the next 4 games at home against Southampton, Villa and Fulham. Nothing less than 3 wins is required. Fucking shite.


That is fucking embarrassing.

The manager Rodgers has got to take the blame for this. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change a system but fucking hell we look weak as fuck. No mental strength, no physical strength.

The owners have only part to blame in all of this for the transfer window but he has had a chance to improve us and hasnt with what he has had to spend.

Not being able to balance attacking and defending is not a good sign.

He has blamed Allens poor run playing him in a holding role when he is not that type of player. Then why get rid of Spearing on transfer deadline day when Lucas was not fully fit from his last injury. Spearing isnt the best but at least he is a holding midfielder. Having a holding midfielder the the main reason why we have not knitted together this season, someone snapping at oppositions heels and breaking teams down. Rodgers himself has said he wants us to close teams down when we havent got the ball. I cant fucking see it. He needs to get his act together because we cannot always blame not signing anyone. Although we are desperate for a couple of strikers it isnt totally the reason we have only won 3, our shape is all over the place.


Fucking sort it out Brendan.

Edited by Walton Park
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Just as long as he doesn't describe it as a magnificent performance. No defeat is magnificent. I do wonder if our manager assumes that style points are awarded at the end of the season rendering the requirement to actually win a match secondary?


"I thought we were absolutely magnificent."


To be fair, we did play well after the first 15 minutes, but never really looked like scoring. Good until the final ball, but lack of composure and cutting edge. Story of the last 18 months.

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We have 1 win in the last 6 PL games, and we are 3 points behind Hodgsons Liverpool after 14 games, going forward.


It would be interesting to see the difference in costs between the two teams and our current profit level wouldn't it, as I suspect that is what our owners are more concerned about. I wonder how satisfied they are right now?

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