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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

Getting a grip is fanciful and ultimately debilitating as it is completely amorphous and suggests there is something you "should" be doing, something that will make you in control- life is difficult, it is not something you can control no matter how careful you try to be - any expectations should start there.


Coming to grips may be a better goal and will lead to a better mindset.

Yeah, focusing on the process of just TRYING vs focusing on outcomes. We can't control outcomes but we can control our input and if we're trying out best, as little as that may be, you'll still be better off for it, as will those around you.



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47 minutes ago, TheSire said:

See that's the depressed mind talking, not you. That depression cunt playing down your achievements, giving others credit instead. Exaggerating failures.


Depression is a liar, try to remind yourself that these aren't really your thoughts, because if you were feeling better you'd not come to these types of conclusions.


Try to separate yourself from the depression and these intrusive thoughts. Think of it this way, you'd not talk to someone else that way, so why do we treat ourselves like shit? You don't deserve any less than us.


This. Brilliant post.

As soon as you accept it’s a condition that needs addressing just like any other condition and not just a state of your own mind then you’re already on your way there. 

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It’s weird how I read all this excellent advice to others and agree with every word.

Yet I remain completely unable to apply it to myself and my own thoughts and actions. 


I read it and my inner voice goes..


”That’s great advice and absolutely bang on. I hope xxxx takes that on board as it will help them move forward positively.


Not you though Phill, you’re just a cunt”


Funny old game the mind. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:


This. Brilliant post.

As soon as you accept it’s a condition that needs addressing just like any other condition and not just a state of your own mind then you’re already on your way there. 

Exactly, it's sad to see people so sure that they're worthless etc when it's this cunt voice in their head driving the point home. If you can try to detach from that a bit and recognise that these thoughts aren't your own it gets easier to put the brakes on keep a level of control.


One easy way to recognise this pattern when you feel crap and start thinking shitty thoughts, is to ask yourself if you actually want these thoughts. If the answer is no then you now know it's the depression talking and offering thoughts vs your own rational thoughts.


Depression and anxiety are emotional and irrational by nature, these thoughts are just suggestions your mind offers as explanations to what's going on, they're never based on facts. They're just offers and suggestions, you don't have to accept them. To reject them it takes time to learn to recognise which thoughts are your own rational ones based on fact, and which ones are just feelings and impressions which are your minds best guess as to what's going on.

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3 minutes ago, TheSire said:

Exactly, it's sad to see people so sure that they're worthless etc when it's this cunt voice in their head driving the point home. If you can try to detach from that a bit and recognise that these thoughts aren't your own it gets easier to put the brakes on keep a level of control.


One easy way to recognise this pattern when you feel crap and start thinking shitty thoughts, is to ask yourself if you actually want these thoughts. If the answer is no then you now know it's the depression talking and offering thoughts vs your own rational thoughts.


Depression and anxiety are emotional and irrational by nature, these thoughts are just suggestions your mind offers as explanations to what's going on, they're never based on facts. They're just offers and suggestions, you don't have to accept them. To reject them it takes time to learn to recognise which thoughts are your own rational ones based on fact, and which ones are just feelings and impressions which are your minds best guess as to what's going on.

Thoughts or phrases like "I'm worthless" or "I'm a failure" are entirely subjective and there is no measuring stick. What is success? What is valuable? Another useful trick is to ask yourself if there's actually any REAL evidence for these thoughts, if you can't think of anything solid then it's not a fact.

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On 05/06/2024 at 19:26, 3 Stacks said:

I had a dermatology appointment today which takes forever to get and I forgot to show the doctor one of the moles I'm worried about. Sometimes I think I subconsciously do this shit on purpose to stay depressed and anxious.

Couldn't you just take a pic of the mole and email it to your dermatologist? I've been waiting years for an appointment with one of these swines

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3 hours ago, elvis said:

Couldn't you just take a pic of the mole and email it to your dermatologist? I've been waiting years for an appointment with one of these swines

Where I live, if a specialist like a dermatologist doesnt give you a follow up, you arent really their patient and I dont think I can just contact them. It is all through GP referrals and obviously they are extremely busy. 


It pisses me off so much man. Id showed my GP one mole in particular and so the dermatologist thought I only wanted one mole checked. I have some irregular moles and some other skin issues and so I was scrambling to show him everything and I basically forgot the most wonky looking mole because its on a different part of my body. 

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29 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

It’s interesting how a rational thought keeps you alive. 

I have an autistic son who needs me. I cannot be dead.


I do see how an inability to find a rational thought causes problems though. No purpose, no point. 

I too have an autistic son, and daughter. Along with a wife and another daughter.


They don't need me.

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1 hour ago, Harry's Lad said:


Sounds promising. I'd be interested to know if they had a control group who had headsets that did nothing though.


What often happens is that the act of doing something is enough to drag the brain out of its funk. 

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Sounds promising. I'd be interested to know if they had a control group who had headsets that did nothing though.


What often happens is that the act of doing something is enough to drag the brain out of its funk. 

Most trials have a placebo so I would think so.

There must be information on it available somewhere.


Maybe it's just a tool that can help kickstart recovery with you having to follow some sort of programme along with it for the best results.

At least it's something that raises the possibility of helping people with depression though which has to be a positive thing.



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20 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

I too have an autistic son, and daughter. Along with a wife and another daughter.


They don't need me.

I'm sure they probably do need you mate , maybe you just don't realise it. Hope things turn around for you 

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7 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Getting a little worried now, just taken my BP on a home monitor, best of 5 readings was 160/105.


Think a trip to the doctors is in order.

Are having a bout of anxiety? Go the GP anyway and get that checked but an anxiety attack will cause it to spike.


If it goes much higher, get to A&E to be on the safe side.

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11 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Getting a little worried now, just taken my BP on a home monitor, best of 5 readings was 160/105.


Think a trip to the doctors is in order.


2 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Are having a bout of anxiety? Go the GP anyway and get that checked but an anxiety attack will cause it to spike.


If it goes much higher, get to A&E to be on the safe side.

In fact, what were the other readings if that was the best of the 5?

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