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Jennifer Lawrence NSFW


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Makes me laugh,it really does.

Actress,starlet,strips off for maximum publicity and then when publicity has been achieved she starts getting her lawyers involved.

If i hadnt seen a million others do this i might think it was all part of a plan.

Shit actress for me and not that great looking either.

Still would though.

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I disagree.


She's hardly a famous overnight type because of this like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or some other no mark skank.


Lawrence's career couldn't be going better - OSCAR winner, multi award nominee (both solely & the films she's been in), attached to big franchises, wasn't she voted FHM's sexiest the other year?


She hardly needs the publicity.

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I disagree.


She's hardly a famous overnight type because of this like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or some other no mark skank.


Lawrence's career couldn't be going better - OSCAR winner, multi award nominee (both solely & the films she's been in), attached to big franchises, wasn't she voted FHM's sexiest the other year?


She hardly needs the publicity.

An Oscar means nothing these days as TV is ruling the roost. Even so,they feed off publicity and need it to get jobs.
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She got her tagues out and we saw them


Who gives a fuck how or why?


If michelle keegan wants to release a video of her being bent over and bummed by Phil Mitchell in a mask to 'further her career' then so fucking be it


But as has been said, Jennifer Lawrence is not short of publicity.

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She got her tagues out and we saw them


Who gives a fuck how or why?


If michelle keegan wants to release a video of her being bent over and bummed by Phil Mitchell in a mask to 'further her career' then so fucking be it


But as has been said, Jennifer Lawrence is not short of publicity.


Stig got his cock out for publicity and ended up working in Hammersmith.  

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Don't talk such utter nonsense, Vlad.

Ok,I was exaggerating a bit but these people need publicity,good or bad,as its their oxygen. Dirty pics are the absolute norm nowadays and they are great publicity,irregardless of how they are leaked.

As an actress,I saw this bird in that Winters Bone,or should I say Winters Bore and saw her in American Hustle. Thought she was ok in the Winter one and crap in American Hustle,which was crap until the ending.

Shes simply nothing special and another in the long line of mediocre actresses that hollywood produces currently.

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<p>I had a look at all them Jenny Lawrence pics on imagebam, and it was ok.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Who do you think she was sending them to?  I like to think that Jack Nicholson has buried himself deep in that adolescent brain, or Benecio Del Toro.  Let's face it, them two just got into Hollywood to smash fanny and get shit-faced.</p>

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Ok,I was exaggerating a bit but these people need publicity,good or bad,as its their oxygen. Dirty pics are the absolute norm nowadays and they are great publicity,irregardless of how they are leaked.

As an actress,I saw this bird in that Winters Bone,or should I say Winters Bore and saw her in American Hustle. Thought she was ok in the Winter one and crap in American Hustle,which was crap until the ending.

Shes simply nothing special and another in the long line of mediocre actresses that hollywood produces currently.

Whether you like her or not doesn't really bother me, it was your comment about Oscars. But yeah, exaggerated a bit. Fine.

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