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... what do you think will have changed greatly in the world? Any new technologies that will change the way mankind lives? 3rd world war will have kicked off? Any of our many resident conspiracy lunatics think we'll have made contact with aliens?


I'll start with an easy one. Hermes will be celebrating his 131st birthday making him the worlds oldest man.

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... what do you think will have changed greatly in the world? Any new technologies that will change the way mankind lives? 3rd world war will have kicked off? Any of our many resident conspiracy lunatics think we'll have made contact with aliens?


I'll start with an easy one. Hermes will be celebrating his 131st birthday making him the worlds oldest man.


And he still won't have signed up as a gold member, the mingebag.

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If some of the resident loons where being fingered in the arse aboard an intergalactic space wagon by E.T. and his mate, I'd be delighted to have been proved wrong.


Does alien life exist elsewhere in the universe? Probably

Have we been visited by them? No

Will we in our lifetime? No

Are the distances just too far? Yes


My prediction: Man will set foot on Mars.

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If some of the resident loons where being fingered in the arse aboard an intergalactic space wagon by E.T. and his mate, I'd be delighted to have been proved wrong.


Does alien life exist elsewhere in the universe? Probably

Have we been visited by them? No

Will we in our lifetime? No

Are the distances just too far? Yes


My prediction: Man will set foot on Mars.


Its not a Mars its a pile of dogshit.

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We'll see things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. We'll watch C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will eventually be lost in time... like tears in rain... Then it will be time to die.

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The BBC will still be doing enquires into who else was a kiddy fiddler alongside Savile.


Justin Bieber will have just won his second election as president.


The Rolling Stones will be doing there 80th aniversary tour.


Dave will at last get hold of a Baros headband circa 2003 style to wear with his wig of flowing blond locks.


Code will be a hollyesque computer aboard a spaceship.

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If some of the resident loons where being fingered in the arse aboard an intergalactic space wagon by E.T. and his mate, I'd be delighted to have been proved wrong.


Does alien life exist elsewhere in the universe? Probably

Have we been visited by them? No

Will we in our lifetime? No

Are the distances just too far? Yes


My prediction: Man will set foot on Mars.


I stepped on a Milky Way once. Close enough?

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