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FF - Football Forum
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Fao Phil C
by Gav- 5 replies
St pats atlethic me arse !!!!:-D You boys got a pastin ast night . Rebel yell , go on cork city :-D :-D
- 11 replies
It may put an end to small quarell on this forum yesterday http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/drilldown/N137421021104-1053.htm
Last reply by Bamo, -
- 0 replies
We got the call today for Basle tickets, and only one of us went to Moscow (out of four) so i reckon if you applied early (when draw was made like us) then you have still got a chance. Good luck to one and all, and see yer over there. (I will be the one pissed in the gutter with a 16 foot toblerone)
Last reply by fivetimes, -
- 21 replies
My first post to this very intelligent fora.... Has Gerard Houllier improved on the midfield he inherited? Has he addressed the issues? Has he replaced Macca? Or even found us our new John Barnes? Lets have a look at what he came into and what he has now. In 1998 his best midfield was this one: Macca Redknapp Ince Berger Smicer Redknapp Hamann Berger Smicer Gerrard Redknapp Berger Smicer Gerrard Hamann Berger Murphy Gerrard Hamann Berger Gerrard Hamann McAllister Murphy Murphy Gerrard Hamann Riise Gerrard Hamann Diao Murphy 2002 is the one above. Lets be honest here, please. Is this midfield (Gerrard Hamann Diao Murphy) better than the one we …
Last reply by Gav, -
- 0 replies
on Sky one 10:00pm. Profile of the 81-82 season so shpould be plenty of archive red action:-))
Last reply by Gav, -
by Guest Andrew Gray- 0 replies
Good point, but no-one wins anything in October. We have yet to play the good sides this season and past record means nothing. If were in this position at Easter, then we can get excited, until then, we live in optimism, but reality.
John Carew
by Remmie- 0 replies
Just read the review of the Valencia game. Carew denied all the pre-match comments attributed to him and was quite complentary in the post match interview, saying that Liverpool ought to be the other team to qualify from the group.
Last reply by Remmie, -
- 0 replies
is that you postin under different names again LOLOL:-D :-D
Last reply by Gav, -
brennan ,what are you doin on here talkin about football ???? Fatty sweaty big birds debate is on the other forum:-D
Last reply by Gav, -
- 4 replies
Yeah , those dirty portadown bastards , always runnin on de pitch :-D Howye Stevo , how are tricks in de pool????:-D
Last reply by Gav, -
by Guest Andy- 2 replies
Is anyone else goin on easyjet to Geneva and getting a train next week? Just wondering does anyone know how long that journey is gonna be?
Last reply by fivetimes, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Kopite, -
The problem with Joe is that in big games the West Ham midfield is not good enough and hence he jus doesnt figure. Playing alongside Didi and Stevie - Joe would be fantastic. Saying in all that if we get Van Der Vaart, I cant see us buying Cole too.
- 2 replies
the real funny part of all this rooney stuff and this is something which really must piss them off is that they know in their heart of hearts if rooney progreses as he has been he wont be a everton player in 2 years time he would have jumped ship down to the smoke
- 2 replies
"Bring on the shite! Our passing style against that kick and rush outfit!" I am changing my pants as I have just pissed myself.
- 4 replies
Anyone wish to hazard a guess who? Given the FA are wanting to double check then it must be someone involved in the England set up and/or someone who plays for a team whose manager they are scared of i.e. Mancs or Arsenal.
Last reply by Rashid, -
- 6 replies
...every Liverpool board to be filled with Blues telling us "Roonaldo" is better than Owen. Correctomundo James, that was a disgrace.
Last reply by Kopite, -
the tone
by Guest Swan Red- 3 replies
Great shout
Last reply by Rashid, -
- 2 replies
Did anyone else just hear what he said????????? The ugly one at Manure is a better all round player than our Michael. What else do you expect from ITV.
Last reply by Kopite, -
Grandad Kopite
by Guest Carl B- 3 replies
Is any one else becoming extremely tired of Grandad Kopite?? Just to set the record straight Souness asked for £20 million but it is common knowledge that a bid of £15 million would have done the job. Is Kopite non other than Tommy Smith? So you found a 50 year old sloshed red fan that agreed with you down the bingo did you the other day? fucking hell with those credentials he must have been as wise as plato, did you not think to ask him the meaning of life while you were at it?
Last reply by Kopite, -
- 3 replies
how i did he win the manager of the month,only thing he should win is the most borinest twat on the planet award
Last reply by Kopite, -
- 2 replies
Was it a number 17?
Last reply by Rashid, -
- 0 replies
...has your opinion changed on diao yet? mine certainly has. and what is up with vignal???
Last reply by igor biscan, -
- 11 replies
If you think Chris is a shit writer, then what does it say for the likes of us fanzine writers.
by Guest bernie h- 4 replies
sami looked,to me, as though he was really sruggling against spartak.
Last reply by fivetimes,
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