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FF - Football Forum
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- 0 replies
10 : Everton (Because when you live in North Wales you are surrounded by shirt wearing bluenoses who have never been to Goodison in their lives). Check the 3rd post down.
Last reply by Kopite, -
You lot are bitter
by Guest wouldnt you like to no- 5 replies
by Guest timo kopakkala- 1 reply
basel-liverpool i think it would be an awful thing if we"ll don"t win basel (and i mean BASEL not basle, what is the reason, you write it BASLE"?) what do you think about UEFA-cup. that year 2001 was electric,but we must go forward. we were last year very near to go to the final! i am living in finland and what about then if arse and manure are in CL and reds are not. i have some footyfriends in finland and they are everybody arse or manure-fans! T:c"moon you reds
Help Needed
by Gav- 1 reply
Can someone post that URL for the Basle Hoolies Cheers Gav
Last reply by fivetimes, -
Over the last few weeks..
by Guest Phil- 7 replies
Absolutely - although it will probably be very difficult - how about pledge not to post anything relating to Everton on this site...or to respond to any Bitter provocations...for the next month? Actually - if there is anything we woulkd like to say about the Blues, then perhaps the Non-Football Related directory is appropriate?!
Last reply by Kev Saunderson, -
- 1 reply
Live on Canal + ZAP at 3 tomorrow :-D
- 1 reply
From tonights Echo, someone has stolen a True Blue Heritage plaque that was fixed to the wall of the Sandon Pub, now a pre match haunt of Reds, earlier this year. (in a ccordance with the 100 years bollocks) The theft come to light when some bluenoses went to get their photos taken next to it. Quality.
- 0 replies
I predicted the treble when we were only in the quarters in the Worthies and were just starting in Europe and the FA Cup. I was going to put a bet on it but never got round to it. On Micheal Owens debut for England, I predicted that he would be Englands all-time leading goal scorer. Whilst he has a long way to go before achieving this, I wish I had put the bet on when the odds were better.
Last reply by Remmie, -
- 3 replies
I like the "Bootle Boy, Born and Bred" Carra song..... sounds pretty good if theres a few of you singing it. Mind you... pretty much the only airing I can remember it getting at a game was at White Hart Lane last year..... and that was only a few of us :(
fao dave
by Guest Adam Wilkinson- 0 replies
Speaking of Djimi...........how good dd he lok when he came on, very assured (and assuring)indeed.
- 5 replies
I know i am going to get stick for this but.... I hope that twat dies a horrible slow death alone after what he said about hillsborough. We have to fight enough as it to get justice without someone who was there going against us. I would not read or take notice of anything he says.
Last reply by Kopite, -
- 0 replies
Click here for full article. And I quote... "The situation has been heightened for the must-win game after FC Basle hooligans boasted of wrecking a Liverpool pub following their visit to Anfield."
Last reply by Kopite, -
- 1 reply
...by a crowd of blues. What makes this even more disturbing is that his young family was in the car with him at the time. This happened, Evertonians (decent ones) acknowledge that scumbags attacked his car, however unlike that letter "The paper that speaks up for Merseyside" failed to report it.
My team for tonight...
by Guest james- 6 replies
Kirkland Babbel Hyypia Traore Vignal Murphy Gerrard Berger Baros Meller Diouf
Last reply by DT, -
by Guest Ken De mange- 6 replies
Great to see young Richie Partridge doing the business at Coventry. If his stint there does the same for him as it has done for young Thommo then we could have a long term, cheap solution to our lack of natural width.
Last reply by Rashid, -
by Guest MICHAEL CONNOLLY- 5 replies
a celtic friend? of mine insists that they started singing it first in the mid sixties...they also say we stole their huddle....can someone please educate me with the truth...once and for all
- 2 replies
Hi Andy, Try this website Reds in America - click here They have a forum where you can ask other Reds for details. Hope this helps, Colin.
koptalk news
by DT- 0 replies
check this out http://www.koptalk.com/archive/news/2002/november/061102e.shtml Have Southampton changed their manager today?
Last reply by DT, -
- 4 replies
paul, a little off-topic, but will roy lieber and yourself be coming out with another list of promising young footballers this year?
Last reply by Gav, -
by Guest John B- 1 reply
won. Have to win next week. Will we? I think so.
Everton and Dyslexia/illiteracy Is there a link?
by Guest Andrew Gray- 0 replies
Tom, I live in third world country and your assessment of the literacy situation is totally correct
Tranmere Rovers
by Guest Adam Wilkinson- 0 replies
As far as i can see, the Chester fans are all for it, coz they would skip two divisions if the clubs merged, Vaughn said that he would sell Prenton park and use the cash to improve the Diva. But as he is loaded due to his connections (i.e Curtis W
Worst XI - even more tricky
by Guest John B- 6 replies
Friedel, Kvarme, Tanner, One Bollock Babb/Piechnik, Dicks/Stig Carter, Kozma, Stewart, Walters Mad Erik*, Ronnie * Never to be forgotten for his exploits in Dorty Main Square:)
- 0 replies
that prick McCarthey is gone .Go on the boys in green On the fuckin piiiiiiiissss:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Last reply by Gav, -
- 1 reply
If Ferguson is to be believed on the ceefax, we wont be the only big club putting out a strongish side this week. The purple nosed one says it would be doing the competitions sponsors and the people who buy tickets a disservice if he did otherwise- Yeah right. Upsetting people didnt seem to bother him a few years ago when he played his full stength team in his only money spinning testimonial and 2 days later put out a youth team for a League Cup tie at Villa. The real reason Ferguson is doing this is because he is still a couple of trophies behind Jock Stein. As he has no chance of winning geither the league or European Cup in the next few years (and wont be around fo…
Last reply by Tom R,
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