I’m going to break from the norm here and just go straight to an incident in the game and start with that. I’ll get to the actual match report in due course but I’m going to start with the penalty because nothing sums up just how absolutely fucked up football fans have become that this clear as day foul is somehow being made into a “controversial” decision.
I’ve just watched MOTD and the commentator said he was surprised it wasn’t overturned. Lineker, Given and whoever the other one was (I can’t remember) all said it was a pen but it was almost through gritted teeth. That’s bad enough, but there are people out there just flat out denying it’s a foul and honestly, it blows my mind.
What are we doing here? How have we reached this point where people can look at something and then wilfully just dismiss the evidence in front of their eyes? Not just on this, we saw it two weeks ago with the Havertz handball, which was a matter of fact and in no way a contentious decision, yet somehow still caused murder with people arguing it didn’t hit his arm when it’s there for the whole world to see.
And now have this. Gakpo apparently tripped himself up so therefore it’s not a penalty. Fucking hell, it’s embarrassing and just shows that some people genuinely do not have a clue about football. Anyone who uses the words “he tripped himself up” when describing an incident like this needs to be removed from football. Get out, you’re barred. You don’t have the mental capacity needed to watch this game. I’m not kidding. If you see a player trip himself like that, and you don’t automatically know that he’s been clipped, then you should never offer any opinion on football ever again.
I’ve said this before in the round ups as you tend to get one or two of these every season. If a player trips himself up, the first thing you always have to look for is the clip on the heel/calf that causes him to do it. Because it’s always there. Always. You can probably count on one hand the amount of times in the history of the game that a player has actually been able to trip himself like that with no contact, and frankly if a player has the body control and skill to be able to kick his own calf when running at full speed, then he deserves a fucking penalty! Because do you realise how hard it is to trip yourself up like that intentionally? And to do it at the precise moment when a defender is close enough to make it look like a penalty? Honestly, if you can do that then good luck to you, you deserve to be rewarded.
Players only go down in the way Gakpo did when they’ve been clipped. Yet so many people don’t understand that and trot out that ignorant “he tripped himself up!” bullshit. YES, BUT WHY DID HE TRIP HIMSELF, YOU THICK CUNT???? AAAARGGHHHHH!!!
There was a Bournemouth fan rang Cundy and O’Hara after the game adamant that “he tripped himself up” and no matter how many times Cundy told him it’s “100% a penalty as he was clipped” the fucking dope wouldn’t have it. Even Cundy was exasperated by it, and he hosts a show on Talksport where he often works with idiots and is regularly phoned by idiots.
It’s mental. The contact from Cook on Gakpo is clear on the replays, but even if it wasn’t that clear you’d still be able to tell because I’m telling you now there is no way that Cody would have been able to trip himself like that. Not to mention the fact he was about to get a shot away, so why would he? Besides, he’s a man of God, don’t question his integrity!
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