Written by: Dave Usher




 THU 11 MAR 2004




Whilst the celebrations of the Marseille players at full time may be a touch premature, few can argue that this result certainly puts them in the driving seat to claim a place in the UEFA Cup quarter finals.

Didier Drogba's equalising goal ensured that whilst the reds don't exactly have a mountain to climb, the second leg will be something of an uphill struggle against a side who will now be full of confidence.

French teams tend to come to Anfield and lose. It's how it's always been, and only St Ettienne had even manged to score. Marseille in truth, fully deserved their draw and had it not been for a smart save from Kirkland from the highly dangerous Drogba, they might even have become the first French side ever to win in L4.

Of course, had Barthez not made a good save with his feet late on from the once again inspirational Gerrard, then the reds would have been taking a slender advantage into the return leg in France, so overall a draw was a fair reflection on a disappointing game.

Things started badly for the reds, and didn't get any better until the second half. The first half performance was dreadful, totally uninspiring. There was no pace, no fluency and no urgency to Liverpool's play, apart from the admirable Gerrard who did his best to get his team playing.

But as good as the skipper is, he can't always do it on his own, and some support from his team-mates wouldn't go amiss. Murphy was terrible, as was Kewell, and Michael may as well not have even been out there, such was his impact, or lack of, on the game.

Marseille are no great shakes, yet we made them look half decent. Aside from Drogba, who looks a class apart from the rest of his side, there was nothing there which should have been able to trouble the reds. Yet for long spells the visitors looked the more accomplished team, without ever threatening too much.

They had one glorious chance early on when Drogba went through the centre. Kirkland raced out and managed to clear, but the rebound fell kindly to a Marseille player (Marlet I think) who sliced his shot wide of the gaping goal.

Drogba's threat was there for all to see, and only a fine display from Sami Hyypia prevented the dangerous striker from posing more problems. Aside from some wayward distribution, I thought Sami had a fine game considering the awkwardness and power of the man he was marking.

The reds best chance of the half fell to Murphy, who tamely sidefooted the ball straight to Barthez after a good run and cut back from Kewell.

After the break, Liverpool noticably stepped up the pace. Everything was done at a higher tempo, and although they still didn't play particularly well, it was better. It needed to be, because a repeat of the first half would surely have seen Marseille emerge victorious.

Led by Gerrard, Liverpool tried to push forward, but found it difficult against a well organised Marseille backline. Hamann went close with a header which went just over the bar following a corner, but it was hard to see where a breakthrough would come from.

Baros looked lively and covered acres with his strong running, but Owen just wasn't at the races. There's mounting criticism of Michael, and he was out of sorts against the French side its true. However, if Liverpool are to get something from the second leg, the chances are that it will be Owen that pulls us out of the mire - again.

Owen was heavily involved in the goal which gave the reds the lead, as it was his pass which sent Gerrard clear through the centre. Barthez came dashing out, and a defender was also trying to get to the ball, but the rampaging Gerrard managed to get there first and prod the ball past Barthez into the path of the gleeful Baros who slotted it into the empty net.

It was a goal which the reds hardly deserved, but one which was made by the determination of the captain. Any hopes that the goal would spark the reds into life and see them increase their lead were quickly dashed though, as Marseille upped their game and began pressing forward.

The equaliser inevitably came from Drogba, although it was a goal which should have been prevented. It could have been worse a few minutes later when Kirkland had to deny Drogba, but it was Liverpool who finished the stronger of the two sides.

Gerrard was denied by Barthez' left foot after a brilliant one two with Kewell, and the on loan Man United keeper also saved well from Baros.

Barthez was booed throughout, which was unnecessary in my opinion. I don't like him, he's an arrogant ponce, but we mock United fans for the treatment they give ex Liverpool players so it's sad to see is stopping to that level. From what I remember, he was usually applauded by the Kop when he took his place in goal during league games for United, so why the booing now?

H*skey was sent on for Murphy, when surely Sinama would have been a more effective change, and then in the final minute Houllier threw on the final ace up his sleeve, introducing Biscan for Finnan. I just laughed when I saw that change. What was the point? Finnan was poor again (if I had a quid for every one of his crosses which hit the first man I'd be as well off as he is), but was it really worth bringing him off in the last minute for Igor?

So it's all going to come down to the away leg. We need to score, and I believe we will. We were awful in this game, and will surely play better in the return. Marseille aren't anything special, and if we can keep Drogba quiet, I think we'll go through.

Team: Chris Kirkland; Steve Finnan (Igor Biscan), Stephane Henchoz, Sami Hyypia, Jamie Carragher; Danny Murphy (E*ile H*skey), Didi Hamann, Steven Gerrard, Harry Kewell; Milan Baros, Michael Owen:


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