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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans.


To fully turn into Newcastle all we need to do is ask for a legend who hasn't been a manager for over 10 years to take back over the club and the transformation is complete.


This reminds me of the dream/nightmare I had last night.


Roy got the sack and the guy walking onto the pitch to be presented as our new manager was Keegan.


Then I woke up.

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Guest ShoePiss
I don't give a fuck whether he pays any attention to me or not, but he will have shot himself in the foot big time with this pathetic stunt. Most of the people who are actually old enough to remember Mönchengladbach, never mind those of us that were there, won't be thinking very highly of this either.


I bet it won't make any difference to his friendship thing, I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than it warrants.

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Guest davelfc
Just really embarrasing now, are we going to resort to an online petition or email campaign about every direction the club takes now?


It's like we think we're important. Over certain things (tickets, prices, new stadium) I think you should consult with the fans. Demanding the owners appoint a certain person via an internet petition is wrong, in so many ways.


Unless any of us have stumped up the cash to buy the club we are just going to go back to the job we do best, supporting, oh yes and moaning, we're fuckin good at that alright.

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Guest davelfc
This reminds me of the dream/nightmare I had last night.


Roy got the sack and the guy walking onto the pitch to be presented as our new manager was Keegan.


Then I woke up.



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Humiliating. The whole country will be pissing themselves laughing at this.


The whole country are happy and probably fucking laughing at us now, what do you think, we’re popular or ever will be, we’re not liked by the fucking rest of the country, politically nor anything else, never have been never will be. Get your head outa the fucking sand man.


Roy is the ‘whole countries dream’, well fuck the whole country we’re Liverpool and the rest can fuck off.

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Can we have a petition to reinstate the Liverpool Way?


We wouldn't get past the argument about what constitutes the Liverpool Way though. The thread would be two posts old and someone would be calling some one else a cunt.


*Wonders who'll do the shit and predictable gag first.*

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The whole country are happy and probably fucking laughing at us now, what do you think, we’re popular or ever will be, we’re not liked by the fucking rest of the country, politically nor anything else, never have been never will be. Get your head outa the fucking sand man.


Roy is the ‘whole countries dream’, well fuck the whole country we’re Liverpool and the rest can fuck off.


do you want sauce on that?

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